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Obesity has been attributed to many factors. Genetic inheritance, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, disruption of the biological clock, and depression, are some of the classic factors that have been identified as causing obesity. New research surprises the common man with information on unexpected causes of obesity.
The new-age diet treatment for obesity makes use of this information to design effective diet plans to fight it. Some of these are effective in addressing obesity in persons for whom commonly practiced contemporary treatments have been found to be ineffective. A person is said to be obese when his/her BMI is greater than 30, or he/she is 20% heavier than the clinically defined weight for his/her height, age and gender.
Diet Treatment For Obesity
Healthy Gut Microbe Diet
Did you know that even gut microbes have a role to play in increasing or decreasing your body weight? Interestingly, researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, found that the gut is infested with microbes that facilitate leanness or obesity. The stomachs of obese persons are infested with microbes that encourage obesity.
They do not allow the body to digest the fats in foods and facilitate them being deposited in the body as unusable adipose tissue, which simply increases body weight. Leanness promoting microbes, on the other hand, facilitate complete digestion of the food that you eat with maximum release of energy from it. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables promotes the growth and development of leanness-microbes in your body, while foods high in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates encourage the upping of obesity-microbes in your diet.
Insulin Resistance Diet
Insulin resistance is the inability of the cells of the body to respond to insulin activities properly. As a result the glucose and fats in the blood do not get metabolized properly in insulin-resistant persons. Simply eating a low carbohydrate diet is not enough. According to bariatric surgery specialists, an insulin resistance diet should consist of proteins and carbohydrates in the ratio 1:2.5.
The maximum amount of carbohydrates per meal should not exceed 30 grams, and the protein intake should be adjusted accordingly. All vegetables, excluding corn and potato can be eaten without any prohibition. Low-fat dairy products, fish and poultry can source the protein component of your insulin-resistance diet.
Healthy And Balanced Diet
Obese persons should never try to lose their weight drastically by severe dietary restrictions, as they may develop eating disorders.
They should first stop eating foods high in simple carbohydrates such as refined sugar or white bread, and processed junk foods, such as burgers, and commercial cakes and croissants. They should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, grainy breads, brown rice, and non-fat dairy products to satiate themselves.
Avoid Food Deserts
Surprisingly, in modern day America, obesity is a disease of the poor and not the rich. This is because people belonging to the economy class do not have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, which are available in supermarkets that are distant. People belonging to these areas gorge on unhealthy, obesity-inducing and cheap fast food, which is easily available to them. Areas that are deprived of nutritious and healthy foods have been termed as “food deserts” by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Eat Metabolism- Boosting Foods
Obesity is often an outcome of a slackened metabolic system. Hence, one should revive one’s metabolic capacity, as this helps in not only losing weight, but also saves the body from a number of health complications.
You should have foods that supply your body with enough proteins such as eggs, fresh fruits, milk and cheese, tempeh, legumes, yogurt, tree nuts, edamame, whey protein, tofu, fish, poultry, and hemp seeds.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.