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Migraine is characterized by severe headache at one side of the head, and can often be accompanied by other signs such as nausea, blind spots, vomiting, and an enhanced sensitivity to light and sound. In many cases, it is characterized by a throbbing and pulsating headache.
Although medical treatments are in place for the treatment of migraine, practicing yoga has also yielded positive results over the years. Yoga can reduce the risk of migraine by over 60 percent while also lessening the intensity of the migraine attacks. Performing yoga and the various postures can induce relaxation in the breathing pattern and general bodily behavior which can positively attempt to cure migraine.
5 Various Yoga Exercises For Migraine
This form of yoga is a specialized breathing technique and aims at cleansing the breath. In this process the breathing is deliberately made faster, creating enough pressure on the lungs so as to remove all wastes from the air passages through the intense breathing.
‘Kapala’ stands for “skull” and ‘bhati’ stands for “that which induces lightness”. It is therefore an effective technique to follow to get relief from severe migraine. It can be performed in sets of 10, 20, or more, depending on the individual preferences and situations.
Supta Baddha Konasana
Through this yoga pose, one can achieve a significant reduction in headache, besides effectively releasing tension, thereby allowing the patient to enter the “parasympathetic nervous system” mode. This pose works on the entire front part of the body which includes the belly, pelvis, chest and the throat.
This yoga can be practiced to cure headaches, stress, and for reducing tension. The main benefit of this variety of yoga is that it soothes the body while calming down the nervous system which induces stress and headaches.
Adho Mukha Sukhasana
It is especially beneficial for the reduction of stress and fatigue. This yoga focuses on the mind and is good for healing and de-stressing the mind. This pose has been regarded as a highly efficient treatment of migraine and sinus, and is known to relieve pain by calming the brain down and allowing it to relax.
Apart from its specific help for migraine, it also combats conditions which might be induced by migraine, including sleeplessness, back pain and fatigue.
Viparita Karani
This pose is also known as the inverted lake pose, and is known to have a wide range of health benefits. This is a restorative yoga pose which balances the blood flow of the body in the areas which need it the most.
Viparita Karani stretches the back of the neck and the front torso, thereby providing relief from headaches caused by migraine and backache. This pose can be especially beneficial for migraine related headaches when undertaken with a bandage wrapped tightly around the forehead thereby releasing anxiety.
This pose is regarded to be one of the central yoga poses for the treatment of migraine as it is very effective in reducing headaches, stress, and anxiety. Savasana is a pose which aims at total relaxation of the body and mind.
It refers to a period of pause when deep healing takes place within the system. It brings about a state of rest and helps in the rejuvenation of the body. Because of its highly restorative nature, this posture effectively heals tissues and cells, which is highly beneficial for curing migraine.
Migraine is regarded as a highly concerning situation which affects multitudes of men and women across the globe. It requires attention which can be medical or alternative. Yoga proves to be a lesser expensive and an effective alternative treatment to fight away migraine efficiently.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.