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12 Natural Cure For Blood Pressure


High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common health problem among people. As it is a silent disease, one-third of the population are unaware that they are victims of this serious health issue. While the normal blood pressure range is less than 120/80 mmHg, 120 is known as systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 80 is the diastolic blood pressure (DBP).

Symptoms that indicate the signs of high blood pressure includes headache, dizziness and nosebleeds. It is occurred when heart pumps the blood with an abnormal speed and power to other body parts. This force carries the potency to damage the arteries.

High blood pressure arises due to various health related issues such as hormonal imbalance, kidney disease, thyroid and adrenal gland disease. Certain drugs are also responsible for causing high blood pressure like oral contraceptives or licorice (an herb). Several medicines and natural remedies are available in medical stores to cure high blood pressure.Here we represent you some natural remedies to alleviate high blood pressure:

Ways to Cure Blood Pressure


Garlic is a natural antibacterial or antifungal. It is used as antihypertensive medication to alleviate high blood pressure by lowering it and reduces cholesterol. Garlic includes gamma-glutamylcysteine, which is a natural ACE inhibitor.

Combination of gamma-glutamylcysteine and high allicin content helps garlic to augment arteries, thus encouraging lowering of blood pressure. It also acts as a blood thinner and does not disrupt the normal blood pressure. Take a raw garlic clove every morning; it helps to prevent the adverse effects of high blood pressure.


Hawthorn is a small thorny deciduous tree, which is used to treat heart related problem like high blood pressure, heart disease, chest pain, hardening of the arteries and congestive heart failure (CHF). Also known as Crataegus species, Hawthorn contributes in controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Hawthorn contains antioxidant flavonoids including OPCs that helps to develop blood vessels, protecting them from harmful effects and also boosting the blood flow in coronary artery and improves circulation in the body.


Stevia is a plant native to South America. This herb is best known for its natural sweetness. It has shown positive impacts in lowering down the blood pressure. Stevia enhance the muscles contraction strength that basically pumps blood from heart.

Stevioside is a chemical compound present in Stevia. Consuming 750-1500 mg of stevioside can reduce systolic blood pressure by 10-15 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 6-14mmHg. It is recommended to consult your physician before taking Stevia.

Green Tea

Green tea is the most commonly use natural remedy to cure high blood pressure. Regular consumption of green tea may reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure. Green tea contains catechin, a substance that prevents the activity of ACE. ACE is a proteolytic enzyme that dilutes the flexibility of smooth muscles enclosing the arteries; it hinders the blood flow that results in lifting up the blood pressure level. Green tea has an ability to destroy bacteria that helps to inhibit food poisoning.

Rauwolfia Serpentina

Rauwolfia serpentine is also known as Sarpagandha or Indian snakeroot. It contains alkaloids, which is used to control high blood pressure.It acts to control impulses along the entire pathway of a nerve. Adults consuming 50-100mg Rauwolfia on a regular basis will benefit from controlled blood pressure.


Cocoa also helps to prevent high blood pressure. Flavonols-rich cocoa activates the production of nitric oxide in the body.  It improves the blood flow to heart, brain and other body organs. It boosts the health of blood vessels and also increases circulation of angiogenic cells in heart patients. Drink minimum 5 cups per day to control high blood pressure.


Yoga is one of the best natural remedies to prevent high blood pressure. It helps to lower high blood pressure through relaxation techniques of mind and body.Practicing yoga on a regular basis settles your minds or body and reduces stress, which helps to balance the nervous system of the body. It also removes the negative impact of stress.

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Watermelon is the most effective fruit to prevent high blood pressure. The watermelon seeds have a specific compound that helps to develop blood vessels and check increasing blood pressure. Daily consumption of watermelon can lower the blood pressure to normal range. It also encourages the activities of kidney and enhances urine production that helps to remove toxins. It contains antioxidant properties, which contributes in eliminating the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Parsley, which is scientifically known as Petrosalinum sativum, is commonly used as a culinary herb. It is native to Mediterranean regions and helps to control high blood pressure.

It consists of nutrients, which keeps blood vessels healthy and protect capillaries from harmful effects. Parsley tea has been used as a diuretic. It is a great source of antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid. It includes anti-inflammatory properties and also boosts the immune system of the body.


Lemon is a good source of Vitamin C and quite effective to treat high blood pressure. It is an antioxidant that helps to thin the blood. It also contributes to control hypertension by strengthening the capillaries. Lemon juice is rich in potassium that curbs high blood pressure; reduced stress level, nausea and dizziness. Daily consumption of lemon juice without salt may relieve high blood pressure by supervising tear and wear on arteries.


Honey is another easily available and commonly used natural remedy for various health related problem including high blood pressure. Make a mixture of honey, ginger juice and cumin seeds powder. Consume 2-3 tablespoon of this mixture two times a day to cure high blood pressure.

Also, you can mix honey with apple cider vinegar to lower high blood pressure. Mix one tablespoon of honey and apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it twice daily. Both of them include magnesium that helps to relax the walls of blood vessel which control the blood pressure level.


Gooseberry, also known as amla, has always shown a positive impact in curing high blood pressure. It is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. Taking 1-2 tablespoon of Gooseberry juice along with honey every morning with empty stomach would be beneficial for patients suffering from high blood pressure.


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