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5 Natural Cure For Cellulite


Cellulite is the deposits of fats underneath the skin which give it a rippled look. It is also known as orange peel syndrome and cottage cheese skin.It can affect men as well as women but women are more prone to this condition of the skin because of the different way in which the muscle and connective tissues are distributed in their skin. The main visual manifestations of this condition are dimpled and bulging skin which gives it an uneven rippled effect.

It commonly appears on the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks and lower limbs where fat deposits are most concentrated. When too much fats and fluids accumulate under the skin, the skin becomes wrinkled and pitted causing cellulite.The affected areas become tender and tight and cause pain while standing. Cellulite is caused by too much fat, carbohydrate and salt in the diet. It is also caused by the imbalance of certain hormones and excessive smoking. It gives an objectionable appearance and makes a person feel ugly.

Tips To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally

Coffee Sugar Scrub

First massage the affected areas with olive oil. Then mix three tablespoons of caffeinated coffee powder with one tablespoon of brown sugar and massage with this mixture. Knead and massage in a circular motion. This will improve the metabolism of fats and eliminate the deposits of fats and fluid from the skin giving it a smooth look. Take a shower after the massage. Continuous massage for several days will remove cellulite quickly.

Dry Skin Brushing

Use a long handled clean brush. Start brushing from the lower end of your legs proceeding upwards to your head with brisk circular strokes. You can brush your whole body or just the cellulite troubled parts. Use a soft bristled brush.

Apply a gentle pressure when brushing the affected areas. The brisk brushing generates heat causing the skin to tingle and melt the fat deposits underneath it and increase the blood circulation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar burns fats and reduces weight. It smoothens and beautifies the skin. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to one cup of water and drink. Drink every morning after rising. You can also mix apple cider vinegar with some olive oil and massage the cellulite affected parts. Knead the solution into the skin by massaging in a circular motion with a gentle pressure. This will remove the ripples of the skin making it look smooth and even.

Gotu Kola

Gotu kola has been used for centuries to treat several conditions. It belongs to the parsley family and has no smell or taste. It improves the blood circulation and strengthens the connective tissues.

It stimulates the lymph system and gets rid of the excessive fluid buildup. It also helps in flushing out toxins from the body. The most active ingredient of gotu kola is forskolin which prevents fats from accumulating under the skin. Drink three cups of gotu kola tea daily for four weeks.


Dandelion is a most common weed which has many medicinal values. It eliminates wastes, impurities and toxins from the body. It contains large amounts of potassium which inhibit fluid buildup. Drink two to three cups of dandelion tea daily to remove cellulite.

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