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5 Natural Cure For Gastritis


Gastritis means an abnormal inflammation in the stomach lining. It is caused by H. pylori infections or prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It can also result from chronic bile reflux, autoimmune disorders and anemia. The main symptoms are acute pain in the abdomen, nausea, excessive burping, vomiting and abdominal bloating.

Hydrochloric acid which is present in the digestive juices gets secreted in excessive quantities and begins to irritate and aggravate the condition so it is of the utmost importance to reduce the amounts of acids in the stomach. If left untreated, this condition can become chronic and lead to more serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tips To Cure Gastritis Naturally

Bottle Gourd

Bottle gourd is a natural healer and is used in treating a number of ailments and disorders.  Besides being very rich in essential minerals and proteins it is rich in antibiotic and anti-bilious properties too.

Its alkaline nature soothes the inflamed lining of the stomach and alleviates swelling. Every morning grate one medium sized bottle gourd and squeeze out its juice. Drink on an empty stomach. The acidic activity in the stomach will subside, bringing immediate and intense relief.


Pomegranate is known as the anti aging fruit which keeps you young and healthy full of vigorous energy. It abounds in minerals and vitamin C which is most essential for healing.

It enhances the immune system and promotes antibiotic activity in the body. Drink two glasses of pomegranate juice everyday. The acid in the stomach will reduce and the inflammation will subside within days. Continuous intake will soon cure your gastritis and restore you to good health.

Black Grapes

Black grapes have many medicinal uses and have been used since centuries for therapeutic purposes. They are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols which have potent antioxidant, detoxifying and alkalizing properties.

Eat half a kilo of grapes daily with no other food, for three days. Afterwards you can have a glass of black grape juice with your normal diet. The swelling in the stomach lining will go, it’ll regain its health and will become strong and impervious to infections.


Scallions are young and tender onions. They have abundant amounts of quercetin which is a flavonoid that has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Quercetin is said to be very effective in eradicating H. pylori bacteria which is the principal cause of gastritis.

Because of its antimicrobial properties onion is very successful in destroying all types of bacterial infections that cause gastritis. Chop the stems and the bulbs of the tender onions. You can eat them alone or mix them with your salad and eat.  Eat regularly twice a day as much as you can.

Carrot Juice

Carrot is very nutritive and full of health giving benefits. Its essential oils and flavonoids have a number of therapeutic uses and are extremely rich in vitamin A. Its alkaline nature neutralizes the stomach acidity and has a cooling and softening effect on it. It promotes overall health and a feeling of well being. Drink two to three glasses of fresh carrot juice daily until fully recovered.

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