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6 Natural Cure For Restless Leg Syndrome


A desperate urge to move the legs and to relieve unpleasant sensations is known as restless leg syndrome or RLS. It is a neurological disorder that affects the legs.

Strange unnatural feelings like tingling, crawling, pulling and waves of electric like shocks take possession of the legs and relief will only come on moving the legs. These sensations occur when you are resting or sleeping.

The frequent urge to move the legs makes it hard for you to have a restful night. You keep tossing and turning the whole night to get rid of the unpleasant sensations in your legs finally being goaded into getting up and walking. Walking brings relief but when you lie down again the twitching and crawling starts all over again.

The severity of this disorder is determined by the strength and frequency of the restlessness. RLS is considered to be genetic but it can be also caused by chronic diseases, adverse effects of some medicines and disorders of the heart, lungs or kidneys.

Tips To Get Rid Of Restless Leg Syndrome


Camphor relieves nervous disorders, convulsions and muscular contractions. It stimulates blood circulation and soothes and warms the blood. It is antispasmodic and calms the nerves. Heat some olive oil and add some camphor to it. Take the warm oil and massage your legs every night before going to bed.

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil gives strength to the nerves, warms the blood by increasing its circulation in the body and vitalizes the body. Use pure warm mustard oil for massaging the legs and thighs every night. It will help in relaxing the muscles by generating warmth in them. It will mitigate the unpleasant sensations and help you sleep better.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural healer and an antioxidant. It nourishes and detoxifies the body. It increases the body energy levels and endurance powers. Take one teaspoon of pure coconut oil daily twice a day. Massage your scalp vigorously every night with coconut oil before going to bed. It will calm and soothe the ruffled nerves.

Hot And Cold Compress

Heat some water dip a towel into it and squeeze out the excess water. Wrap your legs in this towel. When it loses heat dip again and apply. Repeat three times. Now repeat the same process using chilled water. This will alleviate the twitching by relaxing the leg muscles.

Yellow Mustard

Yellow mustard is rich in phytonutrients and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and selenium. It is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It stimulates the blood circulation and provides important nutrients to the body. Swallow one tablespoon of yellow mustard seeds with water before going to bed.


Moderate and regular exercise can greatly help relieve the symptoms of restless leg syndrome. Exercise helps in the toning of the muscles. It gives them strength and helps them to relax. By supplying more oxygen to the brain it improves the function of the nervous system.

It eliminates toxins from the body and relieves stress. It bestows good health to the body by making all its functions smooth and hassle free. Stretching of the legs and calves before going to bed will be extremely beneficial in controlling the symptoms.

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  • Consider a firmed mattress as well. RLS can occur if you are sleeping with your legs above your core. This can cause reduced circulation.

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