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8 Natural Cures For Toe Fungus


Fungal infection to fingers and toes is very common. However, toe fungus is more common since the toe is more susceptible than the fingers for fungal growth. Fungus grows in a damp and dark environment. It grows below the nail, which serves as a covering for the fungus.

Nails affected with the fungus might get discolored. They turn into yellowish or brownish and can be very painful in severe cases if left untreated. Listed below are a few natural remedies for the toe fungus.

Tips To Cure Toe Fungus Naturally


Yes, socks matters!! The raw material from which the socks are made of is the key factor. Pure cotton, wool or silk socks are the best to be worn. They have the capacity to absorb moisture. Therefore, sweat from the feet is absorbed by the socks. This helps in preventing the feet and toes from being sweaty and damp. Air circulation is good in case of cotton, wool or silk socks instead of nylon or polyester.

Nail Polish

Applying nail polish on the toes aids fungal growth. The area beneath the nail becomes darker, which is loved by the fungus. It also prevents the person from noticing the fungal growth in the initial stages. This may lead to severe infection and painful days.


This has been in use for a very long time to cure toe fungus. The toes should be cleaned and clipped. They should also be filed. Then, keep the toe in the vinegar solution which is mixed with water in 1:1 ratio. This helps to curb the fungus. The acidity in vinegar helps in giving relief from itching and tries to balance the pH level. A disruption in the pH level also causes toe fungus.

Epsom Salt

This is found in most of the department stores. It is also known as Magnesium Sulphate. Toe nails must be trimmed and kept short to the extent possible before applying Epsom salt. Thrice a day, soak the toes in hot water (tolerant enough to soak the feet or toe) and a handful of Epsom salt. The nails should be short so that more Epsom salt goes underneath the nails. This prevents further growth of fungus.

Also Read

Home Remedies For Skin Fungus
11 Proven Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus
Home Remedies For Nail Fungus

Dry Toes

Keeping the toes dry makes the fungus stay away. It is advisable to dry the toes quickly when they are damp or wet. Leaving the toes in moist condition for a long time aids the growth of fungus.

Garlic Oil

Applying garlic oil on the affected toe will help in killing the fungus. Regular application of the oil at least three to four times a day will kill the fungus totally in a span of 4-5 days.

Vicks Vapor Rub

Yes, do not be surprised. Apply a thick layer of Vicks over the affected toe, helps in killing the fungus. It prevents further fungus growth in that area. It also keeps the area dry. Since, there is less moisture around the area, and it helps curing the toe fungus quickly.


Shoes should not be worn in damp condition. Say if the shoes are wet due to rain and one continues wearing the same for long hours can results in the toes being moist and therefore, aids the fungal growth. So, always wear shoe which is dry.

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