17 Natural Cures For Yeast Infection


Yeast infections are also called as candidiasis and are caused by 20 different types of fungi or yeast. Yeast infections can occur anywhere in the body. They are more common in the armpits, under the breasts, groin area and vaginal yeast infections. While women are more prone to them, men too can be infected as the infection is often passed via sexual contact.

The yeast thrives in moist and dark environments and hence vaginal yeast infections are said to commonly occur. While medical remedies help to cure a yeast infection, natural cures are considered better in the long run. Here are some natural cures for a yeast infection.

Tips To Cure Yeast Infection Naturally

1. Yoghurt Therapy

Start eating plenty of plain and unsweetened yoghurt, which is said to be very effective in the treatment of yeast infections. Yoghurt contains the good or the beneficial bacteria, which increase the intestinal and vaginal flora and control the multiplication of harmful bacteria and fungi. The healthy bacteria keep your vagina clean and healthy and also aid in digestion. You can also apply curd topically on the vaginal area or dip a tampon in the curd solution. The tampon, however, should not be placed in the vagina for a very long period.

2. Garlic

Garlic is said to be one of the biggest enemies of yeast. Its potency destroys some of the most persistent strains of yeast. You can insert the garlic inside the vagina or eat it raw on a daily basis. Have a few pods of crushed garlic along with a teaspoon of honey to ward off yeast infections. Garlic tablets are also available at your local chemist shop.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

If you are suffering from a yeast infection anywhere in your body especially the breast and the armpit region, apple cider vinegar can be used to cure it. Take a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and put them in your bath water. Now have a hot bath with this water. Not only will you feel relaxed but the itching and redness caused by the yeast infection will also subside making you feel a lot better.

4. Drink Up

Drink enough water to flush your body of toxins and harmful parasites. Water acts as a natural tonic and a detoxifying agent thus protecting the body from a host of diseases.

5. Get Off The Birth Control Pill

Get off the birth control pill. Women who are on birth control pills for prolonged periods show an increased susceptibility for yeast and fungal infections. This is because the birth control pills weaken the immune system and make you more prone towards infections.

6. Avoid Douching

Douching the vagina can strip your vagina of moisture as well as the essential bacteria that help to maintain the pH balance of the vagina. This makes it easy for yeast to grow and multiply.

7. Restrict The Use Of Feminine Perfumes And Deodorants

Feminine deodorants and perfumes used on the vaginal area can also destroy the natural environment of the vagina. They can also irritate the vagina and cause a more severe infection especially if you are already suffering from a vaginal infection.

8. Practice Good Personal Hygiene

Yeast infections occur very frequently in hot and sultry climates. In such cases, it is very important to practice good personal hygiene. Make sure you bathe frequently. Dust your armpit and breast regions with a good anti-fungal powder. Keep the area as dry as possible. Avoid going out in the sun as the humidity can worsen the yeast infection. Wash your private parts with warm water to get rid of sweat, dirt and grime.

9. Wear Cotton Clothing

Stick to summery, loose, cotton clothes during the warm summer months. Wear only cotton underwear and change your underwear often during the day. Avoid wearing tight clothing as this can restrict the circulation of air and exacerbate the condition.

10. Bathe And Change Immediately After A Swim

The swimming pool harbours millions of germs and bacteria. One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is not changing into your normal clothes after a swim. Sitting in a wet swimsuit allows bacteria, fungi and yeast to multiply. Get out of nylon swimwear, take a refreshing hot bath, douse some powder and change into cotton clothes immediately after a swim.

11. Avoid Pantyhose

If you are trying to heal a yeast infection, avoid wearing pantyhose over your tight panties. The panty hose will restrict the circulation of air and make your private region a breeding ground for yeast to multiply.

12. Your Diet

Eat a diet that is devoid of sugar, fatty foods and starch. Stay away from cakes, cookies and pastries. Instead, eat unsweetened dairy, fruits, vegetables and fibre as these work toward enhancing your immunity and keeping you healthy.

13. Salt Water Gargles

If you suffer from a mouth yeast infection, do regular salt-water gargles to get rid of the infection. It is important to stay away from sweets and starchy foods.

Also Read

9 Natural Treatments For Yeast Infection
8 Secret Natural Remedies For Yeast Infection

14. Wash Up After Sex

Yeast is often spread through sexual contact. Make sure that both you and your partner practice good hygiene especially after sexual intercourse. Washing up after sex gets rid of superficial parasites and germs. If you suspect that your partner is suffering from a yeast infection, it is better to avoid sexual contact and ask your partner to undergo treatment.

15. Wash Your Clothes Well

It is also important to wash your clothes well. Rinse them in the washing machine with hot water in a gentle cycle. The hot water will easily killed trapped microbes and germs.

16. Avoid Harsh Soaps

Do not use perfumed and synthetic soaps as these strip your body of normal moisture and facilitate an easy attack of germs on the body.

17. Boric Acid Suppositories

Use boric acid suppositories by inserting them in your vagina. Take a prescription from the doctor on the same. These are very effective in combating a tough strain of yeast infections. With the help of the above remedies and natural cures, you will be easily able to prevent and treat a yeast infection anywhere in the body.

View Comments

  • First thing I'd do is to see your GYN. Make sure that there isn't a serious issue there first. If everything checks out, I'd look into some natural ways of dealing with this problem.

    For me I started looking into fruits and vegetables that help. Grapefruit and pineapples help a lot. There are also vitamins that help but none really showed any type of change for me.

    Then after spending a few hours on the net I came across this natural supplement for women's needs and care on amazon called balance complex for women.

    I've been let down before by supplements promising the world. This type of issue is especially embarrassing and I'm just thrilled this has been working so far.

    Would tell any lady to not hesitate and give this a try, will change your life.

  • Apple cider vinegar is definitely worth a try. People have seen success applying a bit of coconut oil a few times a day as well. We just reviewed a natural product for yeast infections called "Yeastrol". People have been seeing some pretty good results from it.

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