Categories: Natural Cures

7 Natural Cures For Common Digestive Disorders


Just like any other functions of the body the digestive system too becomes weak and vulnerable with age. However,  certain external factors are equally responsible for influencing the digestive system to malfunction. The crucial part of the digestive process begins in the mouth where the food is first chewed. The food then travels into the stomach where it passes through the small and large intestines finally getting eliminated from the system as waste. Just like any other problems that occur in the body, digestive disorders too are a direct outcome of our callous lifestyle. Poor diet, reckless usage of antibiotics or steroids, too much consumption of alcohol, stress factors etc. are all great contributors of indigestion.

Common digestive disorders like heartburn, nausea, acid reflux, stomach cramps, gas and constipation can get frustrating especially when they become chronic. Prescription medicines do provide instant relief, but there are no definitive cures for any of these ailments. Natural remedies to a large extent contribute to the overall improvement in the functionality of the digestive system. Their main advantage is the fact that they are gentler on the body and they manage to stimulate and protect healthy bacteria that boosts the functions of the intestine.

Various Ways To Cure Digestive Disorders


Severe constipation is a very common digestive disorder. The waste matter of the body must be expelled regularly in order for the food to get digested. Therefore, if you are suffering from constipation a diet rich in fiber or fiber supplements is the best solution. Soluble fiber like psyllium husk and oat bran gets easily dissolved in water; yet they manage to retain their weight in water, and it is this quality that helps to soften and bulk stool thus facilitating their easy expulsion.

Apart from this fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber also helps to prevent constipation. Apples, flaxseed, dry fruits like dates, figs and prunes and also beans have very high fiber content and must be consumed regularly to prevent constipation. Non psyllium fiber or insoluble fiber like wheat bran works more as a bulking agent and specifically helps to eliminate excessive waste from the colon. Consuming insoluble fiber at least twice a day has a positive effect on digestion as it significantly reduces constipation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Heartburn is another form of digestive disorder that occurs when undigested food stays in the stomach long enough to wash up into the esophagus. In such a situation you may have difficulty in consuming anything acidic like apple cider vinegar. However, according to gastroenterologists that is the only way to prevent heartburn.

The presence of Malic and tartaric acids in apple cider vinegar hastens digestion thus causing the stomach to empty itself quickly. Therefore, without any second thought consume apple cider vinegar if you are suffering from heartburn. Make a solution by mixing one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water and consume it before every meal and you are bound to get relief within 24 hours.


Probiotics are small microscopic organisms present in the digestive tract that strengthens the intestines by eliminating pollutants present inside the intestine. That is why they are often referred to as good or friendly bacteria as they enhance the digestive process apart from taking care of conditions like gas, diarrhea, colitis and constipation.

High doses of probiotic bacteria can be found in yoghurt or you can consume a probiotic supplement easily available in health food stores. Other rich sources of probiotics are sauerkraut, aged cheese, cottage cheese and chlorella, wheat grass and spirulina.


Digestive disorders often lead to stomach cramps, feelings of nausea and motion sickness. Ginger the most effective natural remedy is often referred to as the stomach tonic. A teaspoon of crushed ginger used to make a cup of tea acts as an instant remedy for digestive disorders like nausea. Chewing two slices of crystallized ginger root candy helps to allay the queasy feeling that one experiences within 30 minutes of its intake.

The efficacy of candied ginger is such that if consumed regularly it helps to suppress heartburn flare ups almost by 40 percent. Recently conducted research at the Central Food Technology Research Institute, India have found out that the properties of ginger like gingerols and curcumin not only enhances digestion but also stimulates the gall bladder to produce more bile.

Peppermint Tea

Filled with natural plant compounds peppermint is an age old digestive aid whose daily consumption can considerably lower painful cramping and chronic bloating within 48 hours. An enteric coated peppermint capsule easily passes through the gastrointestinal tract and reaches the lower intestine where it works as a muscle relaxant thus giving relief from digestive spasms, GI contraction and pain due to bloating.

Drinking 8 ounces of peppermint half an hour before every meal should give you the desired results. The plant compounds present in peppermint also disintegrates large bubbles of gas in the intestine thus providing ample relief from problems relating to flatulence.

Papaya Or Pineapple

Both papaya and pineapple are not only healthy and delicious but they are also packed with powerful digestive enzymes that boost digestion and improve intestinal health. The presence of enzymes like papain and chymonpapain in papaya are powerful enough to enhance the functioning of the digestive system.


These enzymes also assist in cleansing the digestive tract which proves to be a boon for those suffering from constant nausea, bloating, stomach cramps and flatulence. The enzyme called bromelaine found in abundance in pineapple breaks down proteins in foods thus simplifying the entire digestive process. Both these fruits can be consumed either raw or in the form of juice.

Aloe Vera

The juice of aloe vera consists of properties that have proved to be very effective for curing digestive disorders. Aloe vera is packed with healthy minerals and vitamins that can heal the stomach by cutting off problems that are associated with indigestion like constipation, diarrhea and gastrointestinal contractions.

Aloe vera also forms a protective layer over the esophagus which suppresses acid reflux and heartburn. Therefore, drinking a glass of aloe vera juice every day once in the morning and once at night before bed becomes absolutely necessary for curing digestive disorders.

So to conclude, these are some of the best known natural cures for digestive problems. In addition to these natural cures, you must also make it a point to drink plenty of water, keep yourself stress free and do lots of exercise.

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