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5 Natural Cures For Furuncle


A furuncle is also known as a boil which is a red and painful red bump that forms under the skin. When the bacteria infect the hair follicles the skin tissue swells up and turns into furuncles. The beginning of a furuncle is rapid and the area where it is about to start, becomes red and tender and hard. Then lumps form, which soon fill up with pus which contains bacteria, dirt, accumulated and impacted oil, dead tissue and white blood cells.

The immune system activates the blood stream to release white blood cells in order to destroy the bacteria. The furuncles are very painful and can grow in size if the infection spreads into a deeper layer of the skin. People suffering from chronic illnesses like diabetes or cancer and those who are taking immuno suppressive medications are more likely to be easily infected and develop furuncles. Individuals with a weak or compromised immune system, adolescents and young adults are more susceptible than young children.

5 Effective Cures For Furuncle

Mustard Oil

Heat some water and add a few drops of mustard oil to it. Dip a clean cotton gauze into the water and squeeze out the excess water. Place the gauze directly on the furuncle and hold it there until it loses heat. Then dip again into the hot water and repeat the procedure for ten to fifteen minutes.

Mustard oil will penetrate the skin and destroy the bacteria. Together with the moist heat, it will also stimulate the blood circulation and will soften the pus and will help it to be reasbsorbed into the body.


Mix together some turmeric powder and mustard oil to form a paste. Apply the paste on the furuncle and cover it with a piece of gauze and secure it with some duct tape.

Turmeric as well as mustard oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which will not only take care of the infection but will also provide considerable relief in the pain. The warming properties of mustard oil will soon make the furuncle come to a head and the pus will drain out quickly.


Ghee has tremendous healing powers. It is easily absorbed by the skin and it helps to eliminate infection and dissolve the waste matter of dead skin tissue, dirt, oil and toxins.

Warm some ghee and apply it directly on the furuncle three or four times daily. The soothing, lubricating and nurturing properties of ghee will soften the furuncle and help dissolve the pus easily.


Garlic is full of antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that can kill the bacteria and relieve the pain considerably. Grind some cloves of garlic to a fine paste and smear the paste over the furuncle.

Cover with a piece of gauze and secure it with a duct tape. Do this, each night before going to bed until the furuncle has healed.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apply apple cider vinegar on the furuncle three or four times regularly. Apple cider vinegar will not only address the infection but it will also cure the furuncle very quickly.

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  • When you say apply ACV 3 times regularly do you mean 3 times a day ? Wouldn't that burn through the skin if applying that often ?

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