Categories: Natural Cures

Natural Cures For Mastitis


Mastitis is a common problem witnessed in lactating mothers. It is characterized by inflammation of the breast and plugged milk ducts. The condition develops either due to an infection in the breast or inefficient removal of milk from the breast. Plugged ducts and breast engorgement can also contribute to the same.

Pain in the breast, swelling, tenderness, fever, nausea, and a lump in the breast are commonly observed symptoms. One may also complain of joint pains, which is common but doesn’t make it presence always. It is usually seen in the first six weeks after the birth of a baby. It is best to cure this condition naturally as there is a risk of the chemical formulation present in the antibiotics getting consumed by the baby. Some of the effective ways to treat mastitis naturally are mentioned below.

Best Natural Cures For Mastitis

Garlic, Honey, And Cayenne Pepper

Garlic and honey has been known for their antibacterial properties, and cayenne pepper acts as a catalyst to increase the effects of garlic and honey. A combination of these three helps you unplug the clogged milk ducts.

Crush two to three cloves of garlic and keep them aside for 15 minutes. To this add a pinch of cayenne pepper and one or two teaspoons of honey. Mix it well and then without chewing swallow this down. A glass of water may help you gulp it down.


This is a powerful herb that is packed with immune stimulating and bactericidal properties. It helps in curing mastitis by fighting off the bacterial colonization present in the breast.

It is safe to use and can be taken every four hours or as recommended on the pack of supplements. Tea prepared using this herb is also beneficial in unclogging the ducts.

Frequent Nursing

The best and safest way to deal with plugged milk ducts is frequent nursing. It is important to breastfeed your baby every two hours to effectively remove milk from the ducts.

In addition, take up different positions to nurse your baby so that every time a distinct area is cleared. This helps in opening the milk ducts quickly and smoothly.

Gentle Massage

Another easy and effective to loosen up the plugged ducts is massaging the breast gently. Massaging should always be done in a circular motion from outside of the breast to the nipples.

It is best to massage the affected area while nursing the baby gently with fingers. Always remember the direction of massage and do not apply a firm pressure as it may increase the pain levels further.

Herbal Compress

Prepare a brew using marshmallow root, dandelion root, calendula and rosemary. Filter this and soak a washcloth in the strained mixture. After this, squeeze the extra amount of liquid present in the washcloth and apply it on the affect breast area ten minutes before nursing.

The warmth present in this washcloth helps in loosening the clogged milk ducts. Further, this mixture is having the capability of removing the infection, reducing swelling and inflammation, decreasing pain, and drain the infection out.

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