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The problem of inflammation is one of the common problems that almost every one faces. There are a lot of health problems that can result into inflammation. From a minor wound and cut to severe diseases like joint and muscle pain can cause inflammation. Other problems like asthma, bronchitis, fever, bowel problems, stiffness, arthritis etc can cause inflammation. The major symptoms of the problem of inflammation are redness in the affected areas, swelling in joints and muscles, stiffness, fever, weakness, loss of appetite, head ache etc. While mild inflammation lasts up to a few weeks, severe inflammation can last up to months or even years if not treated properly. Here are some of the simple natural foods that you should include to your daily routine in order to cure inflammation effectively.
Here Are 10 Best Natural Foods To Cure Inflammation:
Olive Oil
Olive oil is very useful in reducing the problem of inflammation. It helps in reducing the stiffness and swelling very effectively. It is therefore advisable to massage using olive oil over the effective areas several times in to get relief. Not only this, you should also include olive oil for cooking purposes in order to get faster and more effective results.
Garlic is the king of anti inflammatory super foods. Its rich anti inflammatory properties are very effective in providing relief from the inflammation problems. It helps in reducing stiffness, pain, swelling and other symptoms very effectively. It is therefore advisable to consume raw garlic every day to get the maximum possible benefits. Also add it to your daily meals to get more benefits.
Turmeric Powder
One of the most widely used food item is turmeric which can be effectively used to get rid of inflammation problems. Turmeric has an active compound known as curcumin which possess anti inflammatory properties. Several studies have proved that turmeric is very effective in treating the severe cases of inflammation. Therefore you should add it to your daily meals to incorporate its benefits. Alternatively you can also add some turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk and consume it every day to recover at a faster rate.
Ginger is a very powerful food item that helps in treating the problem of inflammation. The gingerols present in ginger are very effective in reducing inflammation and are very potent in treating the severe cases as well. Regular consumption of ginger is very useful in preventing problems like arthritis very effectively. It is therefore highly advisable to drink 2 to 3 cups of ginger tea each day. Not only this, you can also use ginger oil to get rid of inflammation fast.
Salmon is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids that are very effective in reducing the inflammation problem. The main reason of inflammation is the increase in the level of cytokines and omega 3 is very effective in reducing the level of cytokines. You should include salmon fish to your daily routine in order to treat severe cases of inflammation effectively.
Studies have proved the significance of cherries especially tart cherries in treating the inflammation problem. Regular consumption of tart cherries is very effective in preventing muscle pain, stiffness and inflammation. You can get the benefits by including a glass of tart cherry juice to your daily routine.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are rich in anti inflammatory properties that help in treating inflammation very effectively. Not only this, the contents like vitamin E, vitamin C, alpha carotene and beta carotene further increase the effective of sweet potatoes in treating inflammation. Therefore it is highly recommended to consume sweet potatoes regularly in order to get rid of inflammation completely.
Spinach is a rich source of anti oxidants, carotenoids, vitamin etc that help in treating inflammation and its symptoms. Consumption of spinach is very effective in treating inflammation caused due to migraine headaches and arthritis. Include it to your daily routine and meals in order to get the benefits.
Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and ALA both of which are very potent in treating the inflammation problem. Regular consumption of walnuts helps in preventing inflammation due to heart diseases, arthritis and bone injury. All you have to do is to soak some walnuts in water overnight and consume it the following morning to get maximum benefits.
Blue Berries
Blue berries are rich in a number of useful acids and minerals that help in reducing inflammation very effectively. Not only this, the rich anti oxidants present in blue berries further helps in preventing the reoccurrence of the problem. Include blue berries to your diet in order to get the benefits.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.