Table of Contents
Alcoholism is the mental as well as physical dependence on alcohol. Alcohol addiction is a gradual process that happens because of the changes in the level of brain chemicals, resulting from regular consumption of alcohol. The major chemicals, whose levels vary due to alcoholism, are dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid.
A change in the level of these chemicals enhance the alcoholics crave for alcohol to make them feel good. Alcoholism affects the heart, liver, nerves, digestive system and pancreas and if left untreated may end up in the death of the alcoholic. Their personal relationship and career may also get affected. The major reasons for developing alcoholism are psychological, emotional, social and cultural factors etc. There are various treatments available for alcoholism and before undergoing the drug treatment, you can treat alcoholism at home.
Natural Treatment for Alcoholism
The foremost factor for the success of treatment against alcoholism is the willingness of the alcoholic. Detoxification of the body is the primary step involved in alcohol de addiction treatment. Alcoholism treatment involves three steps and they are detoxification, repairing the damages and after care.
1. Apple
Alcohol addicts should take as much as apples they would like to have at regular intervals. This plays a major role in controlling the craving for alcohol and also helps to remove the toxins from the body.
2. Grapes
Grapes are fruits that contain pure form of alcohol; hence a person trying to get rid of alcoholism can have a meal of grapes at every four to five hours interval. This can be practiced for a month to prevent the craving for alcohol.
3. Diet
Alcoholism reduces the appetite and ability of the body to absorb nutrients and most of the alcoholics would have many mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Hence, while regaining the health alcoholics need to take certain nutrient supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, magnesium, selenium, zinc and some amino acid combinations such as glutamine, carnitine and glutathione.
These mineral supplements help to reduce the craving for alcohol and the stress associated with treating alcoholism. They are even beneficial for blood sugar fluctuations. Also avoid intake of caffeine, sugar, nicotine etc. to avoid the urge for alcohol consumption.
4. Bitter Gourd Leaf Juice
The juice taken out of bitter gourd leaves have immense power to detoxify the body. Hence, mix three teaspoons of this juice in a glass of buttermilk and drink it daily. Bitter gourd leaves juice not only detoxifies the body but also helps to heal the damaged liver.
Also Read:
Best Yoga Treatment For Alcoholism
How To Treat Alcoholism In 5 Easy Ways
How To Cure Alcoholism
5. Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata)
The extract obtained from the roots of kudzu is found to have great powers to repress the desire to drink alcohol. Moreover it acts as a liver tonic, which enhances the detoxifying ability of the liver.
6. Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum)
Milk thistle is another herb that can support and heal the damaged liver and thereby help to detoxify the body. Milk thistle can even cure the scarring as well as irreversible and permanent damages to the liver.
7. Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale)
Dandelion is widely used for treating liver problems and is even useful for treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Usually dandelion is used with milk thistle to get best result.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.