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10 Simple And Effective Remedies To Get Rid Of Oily Skin Woes


Oily skin during the warm and humid months is simply a recipe for skin disaster. There are many reasons for the same and the most vital one is that it attracts a lot of dirt and this tends to block the pores. As a result, you get pimples, blackheads and acne. Of course, there is no forgetting that it also means that you will have to bear up with a lot of greasiness all day long.

Sure there are face-washes and cosmetic solutions available but remember that oily skin is not a problem that can be combatted with only external remedies. You need to change and alter a few things in your diet too.

Here are 10 remedies and natural solutions to combat this problem:

Drinking Lots Of Water

When you are told about drinking lots of water and think of it as just a fad, it is time to get your foundation right. Oily skin is caused due to imbalances in the skin cells along with pores. Drinking at least 10-12 glasses of water a day is highly suggested because it helps in flushing out toxins. As toxins come out from sweat and through digestive organs, the cells are able to breathe better and thus you are able to tackle oiliness to a great extent.

Cucumber Mask Or Toner

One other cost effective home remedy from the kitchen is cucumber. The cooling and nourishing properties of the cucumber are undisputed but it works great for oily skin because it is a natural astringent. Hence, you are able to get close the pores, without letting clogging or dirt accumulation. A quick mask here would be applying some cucumber juice with lemon juice and a pinch of camphor or rose water. All ingredients help in combating oiliness and also add shine without any greasiness. You can also simply apply the juice of the cucumber if you want.

Lime or Lemon With Honey

You must be thinking that why on earth would you apply honey on already oily skin. But the thing here is that you are not using honey alone. When combined with lime or lemon juice, honey works as an antibacterial, anti fungal and anti viral agent. So you are able to balance the moisture in the skin, without draining off the same of its natural nourishing agents. Lime has a lot of acidity and honey balances this. Take a spoon of honey with a few drops of lime or lemon juice. Apply all over the face and let it stay for 20 minutes before washing off.

Tea Tree Oil

Essential oils of tea tree are a boon for those with oily skin. A few drops of this oil when mixed with either honey, aloe vera or even any other juice like cucumber helps to close the pores, without causing any side effects. Tea tree also helps in getting rid of dirt and bacteria, which cause pimples and acne. A quick scrub using this oil can be made at home. Take a few drops of oil and combine it with rice flour and some water. Scrub all over the face and then wash it off with luke warm water. You will be able to get rid of dead skin cells along with oiliness.

Rose Water

A natural astringent that is again easily available in most homes is rose water. The best part is that rose water can be carried around with ease in a small spray bottle in the purse. You don’t have to wash your face after applying this, which means saving more time. It is a natural astringent that also closes pore and prevents future greasiness. Basically take some rose water and add a pinch of camphor to it for additional benefits. Then shake it well. Store in a spray bottle and use as desired. It smells great too.

Egg White Mask

If you are worried about signs of ageing along with oiliness in the skin, then simply try out an egg white mask. Egg whites are rich in vitamins that help in preventing signs of ageing along with getting rid of oiliness. Whip up an egg white and apply on the face. Let it stay till you feel that pull because of dryness. Wash off using water.

Fullers Earth

Also known as multani mitti, fullers earth is a natural drying agent. It helps to tighten skin, combat ageing along with providing more elasticity and breathability to oily skin. For this mask, you need some dried fullers earth. To this, you can add rose water, egg whites, sandalwood paste and even tea tree oil. So it is quite flexible. Apply on oily skin and let it dry off. Then wash using luke warm water.

Aloe Vera

This is one of the most versatile beauty products that works great with all kinds of skin. Aloe gel is again a great agent to combat oiliness. You can or avoid washing the face after using the same. Take some gel in your palm and rub all over the face. Wash off as required. To the gel, you can also add some essential oils like aloe vera or even camphor or clove oil to combat the greasiness.


Rubbing ice all over the face soothes the skin and also helps in closing open pores. This is a remedy that works best after doing a scrub or washing your face. You can simply take an ice cube and rub all over the face. If you want something extra then mix some rose water or tea tree oil to water and then freeze. Voila you have a quick remedy for oily skin that soothes and tones, without spending much!

Sea Salt Spray

A gift from nature is sea salt, which can be used in scrubs or as a spray too. Take some tepid water in a bottle with spray nozzle. To this add about 1 teaspoon of good sea salt (available in super markets). Now shake the bottle well and spray it on the face. Make sure that your eyes are closed or else it could sting. Blot the same dry and enjoy a quick remedy for oiliness.

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