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Crisp air, a slight chill, warm sunshine and soft winds makes Fall a great time to get out of your house and start kicking that football around! Mild weather in the Fall season is a great motivator to start a new fitness regimen and diet regime to up your energy levels and build some muscle.
The Fall season sets the tone for the rest of the year in terms of diet and exercise. It takes an individual an average of four weeks to acclimatize himself or herself to a new workout regimen or diet program. The fall season is a wonderful time to start as the weather is pleasant and working outdoors is a pleasure. Cycling, swimming walking, running and other exercises are best slotted in your routine in this season. What follows are a set of great fall fitness programs and tips to keep your muscles going and your mood upbeat!
Stay Healthy With Great Fall Fitness Tips
Fine Weather For A Workout
Fall is a great time to chart out your fitness regimen and exercise routine schedule. Crisp air, not to cold, not to warm, the apple picking, pumpkin carving season with carpets of flowers and colored leaves is the perfect season to start your workout routine. You are neither daunted by the scorching heat of the sun nor tempted in laziness by warm blankets in the cold season. The fall months are a good time to exercise outdoors with running, walking, hiking and cycling, skating and surfing.
Where you have snow, skiing and snowshoeing are some great activities to pursue. Those living near the beach can play a bit of beach ball, jog along the sandy shores and toss a Frisbee around. The Fall season offers myriad opportunities for individuals to work out, either by hitting the gym or playing sports and games.
Plan Your Workout To Suit The Weather
Take advantage of mild sunshine and the gentle breeze to play a game of badminton or go for a long walk. Plan your health and fitness activities and workout regimen to take maximum advantage of the fair weather in the Fall season.
There is nothing more exciting than running along a blanket of colored flowers on the ground or swimming under clear azure skies! Put on your gear and get pumping this fall season with a great exercise routine to leverage great weather!
Indoor Activities
If you cannot manage outdoor exercises like running, cycling or swimming, volleyball or skiing plan indoor exercises like Pilates, aerobics, dance, kickboxing, martial arts, table tennis, hit the gym or swim in an indoor pool to ensure you get your week’s workout!
Do not compromise on your exercise routine schedule due to unexpected snowfall or an unusually hot day. Any exercise can be performed indoors with the number and type of equipment available to individuals interested in maintaining a strict, disciplined fitness regimen.
Consume Fall Vegetables
Another fitness tip to stay healthy this season is to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fall vegetables like pumpkins and a variety of fruits and squashes are delicious and a good alternative to junk food.
These are healthy, refreshing and help in preventing weight gain due to snacking and frequent dips into the cookie jar. The varieties of squashes contain vitamins, minerals and high water content that is refreshing and replenishes the body with fluids lost after exercising. Include fall fruits and vegetables in your diet for a great fitness routine.
The Thirty Day Rule
It is a well known fact that the body takes about four weeks to adapt to exercise routines. It is best to start in the fall season and slowly increase your fitness levels and workout intensity and duration so that you are set in a routine by winter and the following summer. The useful fall fitness tip is to plan and execute your fitness routine in this season to set the tone for the rest of the year.
Drink Water
Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated even in the fall season when the temperatures are mild. Despite having gentle weather, it is important to ensure that your body’s fluid content is at optimal levels.
Drink enough water and supplement your diet with essentials salts, sugars, vitamins and minerals for a healthy workout and diet routine in the fall season.
Follow these fitness tips for a great exercise routine and diet regimen in the fall season.
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