The 10 Soothing Home Remedies For Herpes


Herpes most commonly known as genital herpes are a type of sores that mostly occur around the genital organs. They mostly occur due to unhygienic habits. The main problem of these herpes is they spread easily to the other organs of the infected person. However, there is no need to worry if you have developed herbs.

This is mainly because; there are many home remedies available out there that can help you to treat the herpes without facing any kind of embarrassment and without spending too much of money. Let us take a look at these home remedies one-by-one.

10 Home Remedies For Herpes

Baking Soda

This one is an effective home remedy that you can use to get rid of your herpes. To use baking soda effectively for herpes, you need to dip a cotton piece into the baking soda and then apply it gently on the sores. Doing this for at least two to three days can cause the herpes to disappear.


This is another good home remedy that you can use to get rid of herpes. Take some cornstarch and apply it directly on the herpes. After some days you will see your herpes disappearing.

Ice Compress

Ice is known for its sedative effects and hence can work wonders in relieving the pain and burning sensation caused due to the herpes. You can easily get rid of your herpes by applying an ice compress directly on the herpes. To prepare the compress, you need to take some ice cubes and place them into a plastic container and then apply it to the herpes. Do this for just fifteen minutes and see you will get immediate relief from the burning sensation caused due to herpes. Don’t overdo this as ice can damage your tissues especially around the genitalia.


These are also one of the most effective home remedies for herpes. Tea bags, mostly used tea bags when applied directly on the herpes can cause the herpes to disappear. For better results, take some tea bags and keep them in your refrigerator for some time then remove and apply them on the affected areas. This will not only help you to get rid of the herpes but will also reduce the inflammation, itching and pain caused due to herpes. Tea bags are mostly useful because tea contains an acid known as tannic acid, which helps to get rid of the herpes.

Peppermint Tea

Take some peppermint leaves and add them in boiled water and prepare a tea of the leaves. Consume this tea at least twice a day and you will see your herpes fading.


This is yet another effective home remedy for herpes. Take a cotton ball and soak it in a cup containing milk. Apply this cotton directly on the herpes. This will not only cause the herpes to reduce in intensity but will also make them disappear without leaving any scar.

Cotton Clothes

The best way to get rid of genital herpes is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. People who wear tight inner clothes are more prone towards developing herpes. Thus, to avoid getting herpes it is advisable that you wear cotton undergarments and not garments that are made from synthetic materials.

Siberian Ginseng

The herb Siberian Ginseng is also known to cure herpes. Applying this herb by grinding it can help you in treating herpes quite effectively.

Zinc Content

Increasing the intake of zinc in your diet can also help you to get rid of your herpes. Some of the foods that are rich in zinc include oysters, lamb and dried water melon seeds. Consume these foods and you will be able to keep the growth of herpes under check.

Proper Hygiene

Being hygienic is not only beneficial in preventing herpes but also to lead a healthy and prosperous life. When suffering from herpes it is advisable that you wash your hands quite often and do not give in to the itching sensation caused due to herpes. If you give in to the itching sensation then you will only be spreading the herpes to other parts of the body or the genitals. So no matter what, avoid touching the affected parts.

These were some of the most effective home remedies that you can use to get rid of your genital herpes. Apart from following these home remedies you also need to make some quality dietary changes. Concentrate more on drinking water as it helps to eliminate all the toxins and can prevent the herpes in the first place. Remember, proper care should be taken while following these remedies. This means that whatever you use that comes into contact with the herpes must be disposed of properly and should not come into contact with others.

Also, avoid soaking yourself in the bath tub. You need to follow this because; the virus that causes herpes is highly contagious. This can really increase the chances of other members in your family or your partner getting infected with herpes. Furthermore, avoid sharing of clothes and towels with any of the persons in your family as it is risky for you as well as for your family members.

You also have to remember avoiding the following things when making use of home remedies for herpes. First, do not soak yourself in tubs—shower if you must. Viruses can be shed to your tub’s surface and may affect other people who will next use the loo. Also, avoid wearing tight undies or pants. Your skin needs to breath and air can dry your lesions.

Be aggressive in curing herpes—after all, it’s the only way you can protect you and your partner. Make use of home remedies for herpes to get more immediate results in getting rid of this stigmatizing condition.

View Comments

  • First thing I'd do is see your GYN. Make sure that there isn't a serious issue there first. If everything checks out, I'd look into some natural ways of dealing with this problem.

    For me I started looking into fruits and vegetables that help. Grapefruit and pineapples help a lot. There are also vitamins that help but none really showed any type of change for me.

    Then after spending a few hours on the net I came across this natural supplement for women's needs and care called balance complex for women.

    I've been let down before by supplements promising the world. This type of issue is especially embarrassing and I'm just thrilled this has been working so far.

    Would tell any lady to not hesitate and give this a try, will change your life.

  • Hello, My name is kAZAN ALICE,
    I was diagnosed of Herpes in 2014 and I have tried all
    possible means to get cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a
    health forum about a herbal doctor from West Africa ( Dr BOADI ) who
    prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Hiv
    virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try,
    when i contact this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal
    medicine and sent it to me , when i received this herbal medicine, he
    gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as
    instructed, i was cured of this deadly virus Herpes within a week of usage I
    am now free from the virus, i was tasted negative. Contact this great
    herbal doctor via his email: or call +2348062411614 when you contact him, Good Luck

  • Hey guys . So I was recently diagnosed with type 2 herpes which is genital herpes . I was so scared and in pain for my first outbreak. I tried looking for things online to help smooth the burning whenever I went to pee . Nothing really helped . I found a lot of people saying to apply baking soda to it to help dry out . I don't know if it was just for me or not, but when I applied it directly it burned so bad . When I went pee it burned just as bad . I literally slowed my drinking down just so I didn't have to go to the bathroom and suffer as much . It burned so bad that I had to pour water on the area in the tub as I peed (kinda gross but it was that or suffer through the excruciating pain ) BUT I FOUND A SOLUTION!!!!! I started putting a thick layer of vasaline right on the blister itself. So when I went pee now , I didn't feel the burn . I really hoped this helped you guys cause for me nothing else I found online really helped me

  • Hi Good morning everyone. My Name is Luana Salvador, i am a native of Braga in portugal, I am a staff of Minho. i have been suffering from Genital warts (HPV) for over 5 years now, and suddenly, i have spent lots of money all to make sure i get healthy, but happily, 2 months ago, February 3rd, 2017 to be precise, i came in contact with a herbal healer online that has been helping lots of people around the world and curing diseases that seem incurable, his name is Dr_water. firstly i thought it was a joke until i contacted Dr_water through this email DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@ GMAILCOM and he said he can heal me. He requested for my details and the money for the treatment. After a week, he sent some medicine to me in portugal and gave me prescriptions to use the medicine. And truly, i started regaining my health as soon as i started using the medicine, i noticed that the warts begins to dry up and disappear gradually. I finished the treatment last month, then i went to my hospital and my doctor confirmed that i was healed of HPV, all the medical test i conducted were all negative, I was completely healed. I am very happy to share this experience because i still can not hold my excitement.,, and this is his email: DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@ GMAILCOM. He also has Medicines to heal HIV, Herpes, Diabetes, Hepatitis B and C, Cancer, Asthma, and many more. I believe he can heal almost type of illness.

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