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The 11 Easiest Home Remedies For Congestion


Nasal and chest congestion are one of the most common disorders that affect almost every individual at some point of time in their life. These congestions really wreak havoc in the personal as well as professional life of the individual.

The individual almost feels embarrassed whenever there is a runny nose as he/she finds it too difficult and embarrassing to visit public outings. These congestions are mostly accompanied with cold or flue and sometimes even fever. Though congestion is not a severe condition it can cause a lot of problem to the person as a person suffering from congestion is unable to breath properly owing to the presence of mucus in the nose.

If you are also one of those people who are frustrated with the problem of congestion then you must know that you can easily get rid of the congestions with the help of some useful home remedies. These home remedies are completely natural and also don’t require a lot of spending of your hard earned money. Let us take a look at some of these home remedies that will help you to get rid of congestion.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Hot Water:

This one is one of the most effective home remedies for congestion. All you have to do is take some boiling hot water and add a tsp of salt to it. Inhale the steam of the boiled water and see you will be immediately able to get rid of the congestion.

Treat Congestion Wit The Help Of Hot Beverages:

One of the best ways to get rid of both nasal as well as chest congestion is to drink a lot of hot beverages such as chicken soup and tea or coffee. This is mainly because the hot vapors coming out of these drinks enhance the thickening of the mucus in the nose and hence eliminates it. This is also an effective home remedy if you are suffering a sore throat or tonsillitis.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Garlic:

This one is another effective home remedy you can use to get rid of your congestion. All you have to do is take some garlic and peel it into pieces. Take these cloves of garlic and place it in either of the nostrils and inhale. You will see that your clogged nose will begin to open up and you will also feel your chest congestion relieving slowly.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Black Pepper:

This is one of the best home remedies for congestion is to make use of black pepper. All you have to do is take some black pepper and sniff it. Though this will lead to a lot of sneezing but will ultimately help you to get rid of your congestion.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Carom Seeds:

This one is also one of the best home remedies that you can use to get rid of your congestion. The only thing you need to do is take some carom seeds, crush them and wrap them in a handkerchief and keep the handkerchief under the pillow. Inhaling the carom seeds as you sleep will help you to get rid of your congestion.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Hydrogen Peroxide:

Another way of getting rid of congestion is to inhale a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver. This is a good home remedy for congestion as it helps you to get rid of the congestion almost instantly.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Cardamom Seeds:

Another best home remedy that you can use to get rid of your congestion is to make use of cardamom seeds and place them on burning coal. You will see a smoke evaporating from the coal. Inhaling this smoke can help you to get rid of congestion instantly.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Eucalyptus Oil:

There is no other best home remedy than eucalyptus oil that can help you to get rid of congestion. The only thing you need to do is to inhale the oil for a period of five minutes.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Vinegar:

This one is also one of the best home remedies for congestion. The only thing you need to do is take some hot water and add tsp of vinegar into it and inhale the mixture. For better results, you can also add some salt to the mixture as it will provide you instant relief.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Apple Cider Vinegar:

This is another best home remedy for congestion. The only thing you have to do is take some apple cider vinegar and add it in a bowl of hot water. Allow the water to get warm and when it is tolerable dip your finger in the water and drip it down your nostrils and see you will get some instant relief from the congestion.

Treat Congestion With The Help Of Pranayama:

Yogic exercises such as Anulom Vilom Pranayama are also effective in treating congestions. The best time to practice these exercises is early in the morning after you wake up. It not only helps you to get rid of congestion but also makes you mentally fit by keeping stress away.

These were some of the easiest home remedies that you can use to get rid of congestion. At the time of suffering from congestion, see to it that you completely eliminate the consumption of alcohol as it is one of the major reasons behind people developing congestions both nasal as well as chest congestion. Also, if you have a habit of smoking then it is advisable that you give it up as early as possible as it will not only help you to get rid of your congestion but will also contribute towards your overall health and well-being. Furthermore, at the time of suffering from chest or nasal congestion, it is also better to stay away from consuming dairy and wheat products as these are the ones who only worsen the condition of congestion.

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