The 12 Most Effective Natural Remedies For Heartburn


A person is said to suffer from heartburn when he/she experiences a kind of pain in the chest and stomach. The main reason behind heartburn is the hydrochloric acid which is released in the esophagus and throat that leads to a pain behind the breastbone. A person suffering from heartburn often experiences a sour taste in the mouth as well as the throat. Majority of people, whether man or a woman experience heartburn at some point of time in their lives. Heartburn if not treated at the right time can worsen and the person will have to face some serious consequences such as heart attack or stroke. However, there is no need to worry because there are many natural remedies for heartburn available and can be used effectively to get rid of the problem. We are going to take a look at some of these natural remedies for heartburn and how they help you to get rid of heartburn.

1. Aloe Vera:

This one is an effective natural remedy for heartburn. All you have to do is take some juice from the leaves of Aloe Vera and drink it twice a day. The juice of Aloe Vera heals the intestinal tract and you don’t experience any kind of heartburn.

2. Water:

As soon as you see an indication of heartburn, drink a large glass of water. This will help especially if you don’t experience any large symptoms of heartburn such as pain in chest.

3. Papaya:

Papaya is an effective natural remedy for heartburn. All you have to do is extract some juice from the fruit of Papaya and drink it twice a day or at the time of signs of heartburn. You can also eat raw Papaya fruit if you like its taste.

4. Licorice:

Licorice is another herb that can be used to get rid of heartburn. You can consume it by making a tea of licorice roots. The main essence of using this herb is it also helps you to get rid of the stomach as well as the esophageal ulcers.

5. Bananas:

Another effective natural remedy for heartburn is eating lots of bananas. Eating at least three to four fresh not so ripe bananas can help you to get rid of heartburn effectively. Bananas are known for the anti-acid properties and hence coat the stomach lining and reduce the symptoms of heartburn.

6. Almonds:

Almonds are other effective natural remedy that can be used to get rid of heartburn. All you have to do is eat some few pieces of almonds as soon as you see any indication of heartburn. The strong content of oil in the almonds helps to neutralize the acid in the stomach which in turn reduces the symptoms of heartburn.

7. Potato Juice:

A juice made up of raw potatoes when consumed can also help you to get rid of heartburn. Take some raw potatoes and extract some juice by putting it in a grinder. Don’t peel the potatoes, grind them and add them in some other juice for taste and drink the mixture as soon as you see any signal of heartburn. Potatoes have the soothing qualities and can help you to manage the esophageal ulcers. Drink the juice made from potatoes at least twice a day.

8. Garlic:

Garlic is always known for its medicinal properties and is also an effective natural remedy for heartburn. All you have to do is chew some few cloves of garlic with apple cider vinegar. Garlic due to its anti-bacterial properties provides you relief from gastritis which is the major cause of heartburn.

9. Marshmallow:

Althaea Officinalis or Marshmallow is another herb that can be used to get rid of heartburn. The main essence of this herb is it contains mucilage that helps to heal the irritated lining of the esophagus and prevents regurgitation of the food which is one of the most common symptoms of heartburn. You can drink a tea made up of this herb to get rid of heartburn. However, this herb should not be consumed in excess especially if you are suffering from diabetes.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is also one of the most proven natural remedies for heartburn. Drinking a tsp of apple cider vinegar in water can help you to get rid of heartburn. You can also add some sugar in the mixture for taste.

11. Chamomile Tea:

Chamomile is known for its medicinal properties and is also used as an effective natural remedy for heartburn. To get rid of heartburn through Chamomile tea, all you have to do is drink some tea made up of Chamomile tea. However, one important thing to remember is drink this tea only after having meals as it will help you to prevent the irritation of the esophagus.

12. Proper Diet:

A good and healthy diet is the first step that will help you in preventing the heartburn. If you are suffering from heartburn then it is advisable that you stay away from eating all the foods that trigger heartburn. These foods mostly include chocolates, coffee, fatty foods, carbonated beverages and so on. Stay away from these foods and see you will not suffer from heartburn.

These were some of the natural remedies for heartburn. If you are seriously looking to get rid of heartburn from its root then it is advisable that you follow these natural remedies through complete dedication. Keep control on your sweet tooth and try not to eat foods that may trigger heartburn. In addition, don’t involve yourself in activities that may lead to stress as stress coupled with bad eating habits also leads to heartburn. Also, learn to make some changes in the way you live. If you smoke or drink then it is advisable that you give up the habit of smoking and drinking as they are the main causes behind a person experiencing heartburn and can also worsen the condition of the heartburn.

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