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It is very important for the mother to breast feed the baby during the first few months of delivering the baby because mother’s milk contains the necessary nutrient needs of the baby to grow.
As mother’s milk contains all the vitamins needed by the baby in the same way it is also necessary for the mother to take in the important vitamins during breastfeeding so as to ensure that the baby gets enough of vitamins during the breastfeeding months. There are certain foods that need to be taken by a new mother in order to get the vitamins of such foods and to help the baby in its growth process. The vitamins that should be taken are as follows:
Best Vitamins During Breastfeeding
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is something that is needed by the baby regularly in order to develop in the proper manner. Vitamin C is known to reduce the risks of getting diseases and is also known to carry the ability to fight certain infections and even heal wounds of several kinds.
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Anemia is also prevented to a large extent with the help of vitamin C. Therefore, a breastfeeding mother should make it a point to take in a lot of vitamin C in the form of citrus fruits, broccoli, papaya, cauliflower and kale.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is also known as retinol and is helpful in the development and also in the maintenance of the hair, the skin and the mucous membranes. Proper growth of the brain and the development of the tooth is ensured with the help of vitamin A.
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It can work wonders for breastfeeding mothers as it is fat soluble and is especially found in eggs, oily fish, cheese, margarine, yogurt and milk. Liver is a rich source of vitamin A that should be taken by breastfeeding mothers but not on a regular basis.
Vitamin B
The B vitamins are great boosters of health in breastfeeding mothers and also in the common people. Vitamin B12 helps in the formation of new cells, development of fatty acids and in ensuring a healthy nervous system.
Meat, eggs, fish and milk contain good amounts of vitamin B12 and breastfeeding mothers, who are non-vegans can get good amount of vitamin B12 supplements from the non-veg that they eat.
Vitamin D
The absorption of calcium by the body is very important so that the bones and the teeth develop in a strong way. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium, which is so very important for the body. Babies, who do not get enough of calcium can get prone to rickets, which is a disease caused due to the softening of the bones.
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A good source of vitamin D is sunlight, which many mothers cannot afford to get during the winters. However, such breastfeeding mothers can take salmon, kidney and tuna, which are considered to be good sources of vitamin D.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is also essential for a breastfeeding mother because it helps in the growth of the eyes, the liver and the hair of the baby.
The nails and the skin are also subjected to growth with the help of vitamin E supplements like vegetables, grains and nuts.
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