Categories: How To

Tips On How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads


Whiteheads also known as closed comedone is a type of acne which usually appears on the face especially on the cheeks, temples, forehead and chin. They appear due to clogged skin pores and are similar to blackheads only instead of black they are white or yellow bumps. The pores get clogged with sebum, dirt, dead skin cells and other impurities and sometimes also get infected with the P.acnes bacteria.

If the trapped material is not scoured away then small bumps or pimples appear on the surface of the skin. Some people are more prone to blackheads and white heads because they have overactive sebaceous glands which produce excessive sebum which contains more of oleic acid rather than linoleic acid which has a soothing effect on the skin and does not clog the pores.

Best Ways To Get Rid Of Whiteheads

Apple Cider Vinegar And Cornstarch

Apple cider vinegar has superb astringent properties. It also helps to balance the pH of the skin and prevents the formation of whiteheads. Cornstarch is very good at absorbing all the excess oil and keeps the pores clean and clear.

Make a paste with apple cider vinegar and cornstarch and apply it all over your face. Leave the paste to dry and after thirty minutes, wash your face with warm water then splash cold water over your face to close the pores. Use this face mask once daily.


Steam is very good for dilating the pores and loosening all the accumulated dirt inside them. Boil a pan of water and put it on a table. Sit at the table and bend your face over the pan. Drape a large towel over your head so as to trap the steam within.

Steam your face for ten minutes then gently wipe it with a soft towel. Take some rose water and pat it all over your face. The steam will cleanse the pores thoroughly and rose water will calm, cool and disinfect the skin simultaneously.

Lemon And Milk

Lemon has great cleansing properties which scour away all the buildup of dirt, oil and dead skin cells from the pores and milk cools and calms the irritated skin and also provides vital nourishment to it.

Take the juice of one lemon and add some milk to it. Rub the mixture all over your face and leave it to dry after which rinse your face with lukewarm water.


Make a paste with some curd and whole wheat flour and add a pinch of turmeric to it. Apply the mask on your face and leave it to dry. Rub the mask off your face with a gentle pressure so that all the impurities and dead skin cells are exfoliated.

Wash your face with warm water then splash some cold water to close the pores. Use this homemade mask everyday to stay clear of whiteheads and acne.

Raw Honey

Apply a thin layer of raw honey on your face and leave it for half an hour. Wash your face with cold water. Apply raw honey twice daily to keep your skin soft smooth and free from whiteheads.

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