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Epilepsy is a specific type of neurological disorder in which the affected person suffers from repeated seizures or fits that comes without warning. Seizures occurs because the neurons of the brain suddenly behaves erratically and send incorrect signals in a speed higher than the normal, which results in dysfunctions like sudden burst of jerking movements. Seizure episodes can last for very short period and sometimes for long period. The intensity of seizure also varies from person to person. Some person may have their whole body shaking violently, while some may just have a part of their body shaking. Some may become unconscious while other person may be in conscious state of mind till seizure lasts. But usually epilepsy sufferers have normally functioning brain otherwise. Though exact cause of epilepsy is not yet known, certain factors like severe head injury, family history, strokes diabetes, brain tumors, very high fever, brain infections, and prenatal brain development problem can cause this medical condition.
Here Are 10 Home Remedies For Epilepsy:
Though epilepsy is a condition that needs to be treated under doctor’s supervision, there are some home remedies that you can try as a support to prevent the frequent episodes of seizures and other symptoms of epilepsy after consulting your doctor.
The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties of garlic promote smooth functioning of the nervous system by destroying the free radicals. Consumption of garlic on regular basis can help prevent seizures and other symptoms associated with epilepsy. Boil ½ cup of milk and add ½ cup of water. Add 3-4 crushed garlic in it and boil till it reduces into ½ cup. Stain the milk and drink everyday to enhance your neurological health. As an alternative option, you can take garlic capsule after consulting the correct dose with your physician.
Basil is considered a holy plant in India. But it has many medicinal properties also. It can be very effective in reducing the episodes of fits and seizures because it helps to stimulate the brain and strengthen the nerves. Extract juice from basil leaves and take 1tsp. thrice a day or chew 3-4 basil leaves directly regularly. It will bring stability to the nerves and gradually reduce the episodes of seizure.
Ash Gourd
Ash Gourd or winter melon is a good remedy for epilepsy because this vegetable has medicinal and nutritional properties that ensure smooth functioning of the nervous system. Peel and grate ash gourd and squeeze out juice from the grated pulp. Drink half cup ash gourd juice every morning before eating anything to find relief from the symptoms of epilepsy. Regular consumption of ash gourd juice will strength the brain cells and minimizes the episodes of seizure.
Grape Juice
Drinking fresh grape juice can be highly beneficial for preventing epilepsy symptoms because grape juice are high in flavonoids and also good source of potassium and magnesium which plays significant role strengthening the nervous system, boost your immune system and relax the nerves in the brain. Drink a glass of fresh grape juice everyday to improve your overall health and minimize the episodes of seizures.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is another effective home remedy for epilepsy; the fatty acid contained in coconut oil will have curative effects on your brain cells. By increasing the supply of energy to the brain cells, it can help to bring relief from epilepsy. To find relief, take 1tsp. extra-virgin coconut oil three times a day. Also use coconut oil for cooking or as salad dressing for increasing its consumption.
Magnesium Rich Foods
Some researches have shown that deficiency of magnesium in a person’s body can trigger symptoms of epilepsy. Therefore, adding magnesium rich foods in your diet will help to bring relief from episodes of seizure and fits. Some foods that are rich in magnesium are almonds, cashew nuts and spinach.
Epsom Salt
Magnesium sulfate contained in Epsom salt is very good for nerve health. Magnesium and sulfur naturally found in Epsom salt can help in minimizing the episodes of seizure by improving functioning of the nerves, reducing stress and also eliminating toxins from the body. Drinking a glass of water or orange juice after adding 1tsp Epsom salt everyday can help to bring relief from epilepsy symptoms. Taking warm and soothing Epsom salt bath once a week will be an added benefit.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 essential fatty acids are essential for brain and nerve health. Fish and nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Adding omega-3 rich food in your diet will help to prevent seizures.
Limes are another effective remedy for countering the epilepsy symptoms. Limes helps in enhancing the blood circulation to the brain and also normalize calcium absorption that can hinder the proper functioning of the brain. Drink a glass of fresh lime juice after adding ½ tsp. baking soda everyday, preferably at bed time.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is not only refreshing, it is also loaded with electrolytes, vital minerals and water which are essential for promoting better neuron health and proper functioning of the nervous system. Drinking coconut water regularly will help to reduce the symptoms of epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a serious medical condition. But with proper medical attention, home remedies and good care, you can improve the condition. Observe carefully and eliminate the triggers from your life.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.