Top 10 Yoga Exercises For Hip Pain


Hips carry the weight of your upper body. It is normal to feel stiffness and strain in hip joint. Hip muscles tend to get tensed and painful if you are constantly standing or sitting in one position for a prolonged period of time.

Certain yoga exercises are beneficial for treating hip pain and regular practice of these exercises help to prevent hip arthritis. Yoga exercises for hip pain tones and strengthens hip joint. They improve flexibility of the muscles and help to remove stiffness and pain from the hips.

Tips To Cure Hip Pain With Yoga Exercises

Trikona Asana

Stand straight and keep your feet hip width apart. Spread your arms at the level of your shoulders. Breathe in and bend sideways towards right while exhaling.

Try to touch your heel and lift your left arm up towards the ceiling. You will feel a stretch in the outer side of your left leg. Hold the pose for 8 seconds. Inhale and come back to starting position. Repeat on the other side. This completes one round of Trikona Asana. Complete a set of 3-5 rounds.

Katiuttana Asana

Lie down straight on a yoga mat. Spread your arms along the sides. Fold your legs and place the feet flat on the floor. Inhale deeply and lift your upper back off the floor. Your hips and shoulders should remain firmly on the floor. Lower your back to the floor while exhaling and lift it again. In this yoga exercise there is no holding time. Repeat to complete 8-10 rounds to relieve hip pain.

Setubandh Asana

Lie down on your back and fold your legs. Place your heels near the hips. Place your arms close to your body with palms facing downwards. Breathe in and lift your hips above the ground, support the waist with your hands. Raise your hips towards the sky as much as you can without strain.

Your shoulders, neck and head should be firmly placed on the ground. Breathe normally and stay in the pose for 10 seconds. Gently lower your hips to the floor, without any jerks. Bring your hands back to the sides and relax. Repeat to complete 3 rounds.

Markat Asana

Lie down on your back and fold your legs from the knees. Keep your feet at 12 inches distance and place them near the hips. Spread your arms along the shoulder level. Breathe in and turn your legs towards your right side, let your right knee touch the ground and the left knee should reach till your right foot close to the floor.

Turn your head to the left. Hold the pose for 5 seconds, come back to starting position and repeat on the other side. Do 5 rounds of Markat Asana to treat hip pain.

Shalabh Asana

Lie down on your stomach, place your hands under the thighs and place your chin on the floor. Keep your feet close together. Inhale and lift your right leg as much as you can without bending your knee. Hold the pose for 10 seconds then lower the leg while exhaling.

Similarly lift your left leg and hold for 10 seconds. This completes one round of Shalabh Asana. You will feel a stretch in your hips. Complete 5 rounds of this asana to relieve hip pain.

Dhanur Asana

Lie down on your stomach, place your hands along the sides and keep your feet 12 inches apart. Breathe in and lift your legs while bending your knees.

Hold your feet with your hands. Lift your head and shoulders above the floor and lift your thighs as much as you can. Your arms should remain straight. Your body will arch like a bow and you will feel a stretch in your arms and thighs. Stay in the pose for 5 seconds, relax and stretch again. Repeat 5 times for hip pain.

Ardhchandra Asana

Sit in a kneeled down position and fold your arms across the chest. Keep your feet close together. Breathe in and bend your head and neck backwards, arch your back and keep your spine stretched. Hold the pose for 5 seconds. Come back to starting position while exhaling. Repeat and complete 3 rounds of Ardhchandra Asana.

Gomukha Asana

Sit down in Vajra Asana and keep your toes close together and heels spread out. Keep your knees at 6-8 inches distance from each other. Place your hips in the gap between your feet and your body weight should fall between your heels and toes. You may place a folded towel under your hips for comfort. Breathe in and fold your left arm and take it over your shoulder towards the back.

Bring your right arm behind your back from below and up to the centre of shoulder blades. Try to touch your right hand with the left hand as closely as you can. Lock the fingers of both the hands if you can, keep your spine straight and hold the pose for 8 seconds, breathe normally. Relax and repeat on the other side. Make 3 rounds of Gomukha asana.

Veer Asana

Sit down with your legs spread in front of you. Fold your right leg and bring the heel near the hip. The foot should open outwards. Fold your left leg and place the foot over right thigh and your knee should fall on the floor. Stretch your arms along the shoulders, breathe in and bring your hands on the head.

Join your hands in Namaste position and place them on top of your head. Keep your back, neck and head upright. Keep your elbows straight and breathe normally. Close your eyes and stay in this pose for 6-8 seconds. Afterwards open your eyes and unfold your left leg with your hands and put it on the floor, unfold your right leg. Do the same exercise reversing the leg positions. Do 4 rounds of Veer Asana.

Butterfly Pose

Sit down with your legs folded and your feet placed near the groin. Keep your soles close together and cross your hands over your feet. You should feel a stretch in your hips along the thighs. Move your knees up and down like a butterfly for as many counts as you can.


You should relax in Shava Asana for 1-2 minutes after performing each asana.


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