Categories: Diet Remedy

Top 12 Herbs And Spices For Treating Arthritis


Arthritis is a kind of joint disorder experienced mostly among older people in their late 50s. Inflammation of one or more joints lead to arthritis and the person will be experiencing severe pain. There are different conditions that lead to arthritis. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two kinds we often hear. The symptoms we observe mostly are fatigue, inflammation, redness, pain and swelling around the affected area. The pain might differ depending on the severity of arthritis.
However, we have a lot of herbs and spices available in our health stores and kitchen for relieving arthritis. Also, leading a healthy lifestyle and staying active can help in preventing arthritis.

Here Are The Top 12 Herbs And Spices That Play A Critical Role In Relieving Arthritis Pain:


Turmeric has several medicinal properties. It has been in use as a chief ingredient in Indian Cuisine. It contains an active ingredient known as Curcumin that acts as an amazing antioxidant. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help treat inflammation and swelling around the affected region when applied topically. Include a pinch of turmeric while cooking your food. Also, you need to drink a glass of warm turmeric milk regularly as it helps prevent diseases.


Capsicum is the dried spice and is also known as paprika. It is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that has a wide range of medicinal benefits. It contains capsaicin, an amazing constituent that acts a potent antioxidant. Capsicum has analgesic properties and is used as a chief ingredient in ointments that are applied topically on the affected area to relieve pain and inflammation.

Green Tea

Green tea is loaded with polyphenols that are abundant in antioxidants. The anti-inflammatory properties in green tea help in boosting your body’s immune system. This is essential as rheumatoid arthritis is a condition which is caused when the immune system starts attacking joints, causing severe pain and inflammation.


Ginger is a traditional spice that has vast importance in treating inflammation. Gingerol is the active constituent present in ginger and has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. It adds flavor to your dish and plays an effective role in treating arthritis. Few studies have proved that ginger helped in treating people having arthritis, in less than few weeks.

Black Pepper

Grounded black pepper powder is used as a traditional and natural remedy to relieve pain. Few studies have proved that anti-inflammatory compounds present in capsaicin are even found in black pepper. It is being used in gels that are topically applied to relieve swelling and inflammation.


The bark of cinnamon is being used in several medicines for treating various health disorders. Some kind of medicinal properties in cinnamon help in relieving inflammation. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties present in cinnamon helps in alleviating pain, inflammation and redness.


Roasted licorice extract has anti-inflammatory properties helpful in relieving chronic arthritis pain. This herb is also available in the form of a supplement. Dried licorice root is used to prepare herbal tea as well for treating inflammation.


Garlic helps in blocking the pathways which might lead to inflammation thereby helping reducing pain caused due to inflammation. Garlic has several medicinal properties and contains a compound known as allicin. This compound after getting ingested produces a sulfenic acid that reacts faster with the harmful radicals.

Thunder God Vine

This amazing herb is used to apply topically over the skin, can be taken orally or in the form of tea to relieve inflammation. This herb has huge importance in Chinese medicine and helps in treating diseases such as arthritis. However, you need to consult your health practitioner before trying this herb as it might show some problems such as diarrhea, when not taken properly.

Bay Leaf

Bay leaf has anti-inflammatory properties as well as volatile oils that aid in relieving inflammation, joint pains caused due to arthritis. Bay leaf is also used as a traditional remedy in alleviating sprains, pain, and swelling caused due to inflammation.


Rosmarinic acid present in rosemary acts as a phytochemical which is available in several kinds of herbs. Rosemary oil has pain inhibiting and analgesic properties that aid in relieving pain caused due to rheumatoid arthritis. Add six to ten drops of rosemary oil to any carrier oil and use it to massage the affected area to treat joint pains.


Boswellia is proved as an effective herb in relieving inflammation and enhancing the functioning of immune system. It is an aromatic resin which has been in use in the field of Indian Ayurveda for treating arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. This herb is also available in the form of supplements.

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