Categories: Natural Cures

Top 12 Natural Treatments For Candida


The Candida albicans fungus causes many diseases and ailments. Diaper rash, skin infections or yeast infections in female are caused because of overgrowth of yeast fungus. It is present on the skin and inside mouth too, and even in a gastrointestinal tract without causing any problem. In ladies, it is also present in the vagina. But, Candida overgrowth causes candidiasis, and gives rise to symptom like intense itching and redness. It affects the skin, mouth, stomach, urinary tract and vagina.

Here Are The Top 10 Natural Treatments For Candida:


Garlic contains sulfur compounds that give it a natural antifungal property. It helps in fighting Candida infection. If you dislike the taste of garlic, you can consume garlic supplement too. The dose can depend on how severe is the condition, but the advice is 600 to 900 mg in a day. Raw garlic cloves can also be applied on the affected area.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a very effective natural remedy for a candidate is because of its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial property. If you have vaginal yeast infection, you can put several drops of tea tree oil on a tampon and wear it. Keep replacing it every four-six hours. If you are suffering from oral thrush, an addition of five-six drops of pure tea tree oil in a cup of water and gargling with it for a few minutes twice a day until the infection clears works wonders. The solution should not be swallowed.

Oil Of Oregano

This beneficial oil consists of a compound known as carvacrol which is known for inhibiting growth of Candida yeast. A scientific study has proven that because of the oil’s anti-fungal and anti-microbial agents, it is effective in the treatment as well as prevention of candidiasis.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is known for the treatment of Candida infection as it is helpful in restoring the body’s natural pH balance. Being rich in enzymes, helps in regulating Candida’s presence. It leads to the creation of an unfavorable environment for fungi and results in encouragement of healthy gut bacteria in balancing the intestinal tract.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil acts as a soothing remedy for candidiasis because of its medium-chain fatty acid like lauric, caprylic and capric acid. Studies have shown that the saturated fats have a anti microbial properties that help in killing Candida fungi without resulting in the development of strains of Candida.


The presence of probiotics in yogurt, is beneficial in fighting off yeast infection. The Lactobacillus acidophilus, in specific, is known to keep Candida yeast in check by the production of lactic acid. You can make plain yogurt with lactobacillus acidophilus a daily part of your daily nutrition. In the treatment of a vaginal yeast infection, yoghurt dipped tampon can be applied on the area.


A cranberry contains arbutin that help in killing candida albicans. You can Drink a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice two or three times a day for a several weeks to clear Candida infection. Cranberry tablets can also be consumed two or three times a day for best results.

Olive Leaf

Olive leaf destroys candida yeast and fungi because of its natural antifungal property. In addition, it has an active ingredient called oleuropein that stimulates our immune system. You can Make an olive leaf tea by stewing two teaspoons of the herb in a bowl of boiling water for 15 minutes and Drink two to three cups a day. Even after the infection clears, you can continue to drink a cup or two of olive leaf tea as a preventive measure.


Cinnamon is known to be active against Candida albicans because of its antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic propertiy. The study also says that anticandidal is also used when using cinnamon oil against other types of Candida yeast. Also, include cinnamon in your daily diet by using it as an addition to your yogurt, or simply consuming cinnamon tea.

Black Walnut Bark

It consists of high levels of tannins having strong antifungal and astringent property. It also consists of an active ingredient, juglone, which is known to have moderate antifungal and antibiotic effects. For the treatment of a Candida infection, you can take black walnut extract or capsules according to the directions of the doctor.

Pau d’arco

Pau d’arco is the bark of a rainforest tree which is traditionally anti-fungal. Pau d’arco can be consumed in a capsule or tea. Consume capsules as directed on the pabel or drink 3 cups of tea per day.


The effective and cheap way to plant healthy bacteria in the digestive tract is to take Cabbage Rejuvelac. A probiotic supplement can also plant good bacteria in the digestive tract. But it’s not as simple as just purchasing the first probiotic supplement and the assumption that it will do the chore. The best probiotic supplement contains specific strains of bacteria that have been researched and verified as beneficial.

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