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Top 13 Natural Remedies For Diabetes


Diabetes is a kind of metabolic disorder, which affects a large number of people. It basically occurs when the blood sugar level increases in an individual. Diabetes is of two types, Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Out of these two, the type 2 diabetes is the one which affects a large number of people. In type 2 diabetes the pancreas in the human body release a hormone named insulin but the body is unable to utilize it properly whereas in type 1 diabetes there is a total breakdown of pancreas in the human body.

Diabetes if not completely curable can be kept in control. For this, the person suffering from diabetes needs to keep a check on whatever he/she eats. This means that the person will have to follow a diet that will help to keep the diabetes in control.Eating all the right things is the key in keeping diabetes under control. The following are some of the home remedies that will help an individual to keep diabetes under control.

Drink Juice Made From Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd juice is one of the best remedy to keep diabetes under control. You just need to extract the juice from bitter gourd by grinding it and add it in water and drink at least twice a day. Bitter gourd also has some other benefits such as it also helps you to get rid of constipation and boosts your bowel movements.

Reduce The Intake Of Sugar

Sugar is a complete no-no for people suffering from diabetes. A person suffering from diabetes should not consume sugar in any form if he/she really wants to control diabetes.

Fenugreek Juice

Just like bitter gourd, the person suffering from diabetes should also drink fenugreek juice made from the fenugreek herb. Extract the juice from the fenugreek leaves and drink it twice a day to keep your diabetes under check.

Eat Indian Gooseberry

A person suffering from diabetes should definitely consider eating Indian gooseberry as it is rich in Vitamin C. The person can also drink juice made from Indian Gooseberry. For better results, it is good to mix the juice of Indian Gooseberry with bitter gourd juice. Taking this mixture for a period of two months activate the Langerhans responsible for secretion of insulin the pancreatic gland of human body. Indian Gooseberry also helps to lower the blood sugar levels thereby keeping diabetes under control.

Eat More Beans

A diet rich in beans such as kidney beans can also help in reducing the blood sugar levels and can help in keeping diabetes under control. Thus, a person suffering from diabetes is advisable to include more and more beans in the diet.

Avoid Hot Beverages

Hot beverages such as tea, coffee are a strict no for people suffering from diabetes. Instead of these, the people suffering from diabetes can drink green tea. This is especially good for people suffering from type 2 diabetes as majority of people suffering from this type of diabetes are mostly obese and green tea can help to reduce their weight.

Chew Some Neem Leaves

Neem or Azadirachta indica is also very effective in diabetes. Chewing some leaves of Azadhirachta indica can help a person to keep diabetes at bay. A person can also extract the juice made from the leaves of Azadirachta indica or neem and can consume it to keep diabetes at a normal level.

Chew Some Curry Leaves

A person suffering from diabetes should chew some curry leaves for at least period of three months to keep diabetes under check. Curry leaves help to keep diabetes under check which is mostly triggered due to heredity factors.

Cut Back Excess Of Salt

A person suffering from diabetes should cut back the intake of salt from their meals. By doing this, the person will be able to keep diabetes under check and will also be able to lose excessive weight.

Consume Some Parslane Seeds

A person suffering from diabetes should consume at least 1tsp of parlsane seeds daily for a period of two months. Parslane seeds boost the production of insulin in the body and help to keep diabetes under control.

Consume Juice Made Of Mango Tree Leaves

The juice made from the leaves of mango tree also help a person suffering from diabetes to keep it under control. To prepare the juice of mango tree leaves, the person should soak about 15 grams of mango tree leaves in about 250 ml of water and allow it to rest for a night and then consume it every morning. A person can also make a powder of the leaves and consume it to keep diabetes under control.

Stay Away From White Bread

A person suffering from diabetes should not eat white bread and other foods such as potatoes, rice and foods that may increase the blood sugar levels. The person should also not eat sweet and sugary foods and should keep the intake of carbohydrates to minimum levels.

Include garlic in your meals: Garlic is known for its medicinal use. Using some cloves of garlic or garlic paste in the meals can work wonders for people suffering from diabetes. A person suffering from diabetes should eat two cloves of raw garlic to keep diabetes under control.

Avoid Junk Food Completely

People suffering from diabetes and those who have habit of eating junk food should completely control their habit and should stay away from eating any kind of junk food. Cutting back oily and junk food helps in keeping the blood pressure level as well as diabetes under control.

These were some of the home remedies that will help a person to keep diabetes under control. Remember, it requires a lot of dedication and effort from the person suffering from diabetes to control the sweet tooth as eating anything sugary can falter the chances of that person to keep diabetes under control. Thus, it is advisable for people suffering from diabetes to dedicate themselves fully towards cutting back the consumption of sweets as it will help them to keep their diabetes under check.

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