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Most countries today are fighting the epidemic of cardiovascular diseases. High cholesterol is one of the primary risk factors that is increasing the incidence of heart disease. Cholesterol exists in our body in two types. LDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol, which clogs arteries and leads to heart disease.
HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol, which is beneficial for the body and reduces the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body. There are some foods, which increase the amounts of HDL cholesterol and keep you healthy. These are foods, which you should include, in your daily diet.
List of Foods That Control Cholesterol
Fibre is the number one source of HDL cholesterol. It flushes out the bad cholesterol, and keeps the body energized by maintaining a balanced blood sugar level. Fibre is largely found in whole grains like oats, barley, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Make it a point to have at least 4-6 servings of fibre in a day. This will keep your heart healthy and reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol. Pulses and lentils are also a high source of dietary fibre. Try to consume pulses and lentils every day.
Fish contains the vital omega-3 fatty acids that help to reduce the HDL cholesterol in the body. If you are a non-vegetarian, have salmon and mackerel 3-4 times a week. Of course, eat them by cooking them healthily by sautéing or steaming the fish.
Olive Oil
Like fish, olive oil is a potent source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is one of the most heart healthy oils and also very tasty. You can use olive oil in your cooking as well as in your salads and pastas for best results. You can also use sunflower and flaxseed oil which are all cholesterol reducing oils as they contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids.
Healthy nuts like almonds and walnuts are very good for the body. They contain monounsaturated fatty acids that help to reduce bad cholesterol from the body and increase the incidence of good cholesterol. Have no more than a fistful of nuts everyday for best results. Since nuts are very high in calories, have them in small quantities only. Also, avoid nuts which are coated with salt or have been deep-fried because then this negates their beneficial effects.
Apples contain natural fibres that stabilize blood sugar levels. Not only that but apples contain pectin that is said to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the body. Feast on crunchy apples everyday for best results.
Oats help to reduce the absorption of LDL cholesterol in the body. That means you will have elevated levels of good cholesterol and reduced levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice is said to contain very high amounts of anti-oxidants that not only reduce free radicals from the body but also reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body. It also inhibits the build-up of cholesterol in the arteries, which can otherwise cause fatal heart attacks.
Avocadoes contain high levels of plant sterols. Sterols are LDL reducing substances that are found on the cell membranes of plants and fruits. These substances found in avocadoes work on the same principle of reducing the LDL cholesterol in the body.
Make Changes in your Diet
Certain changes in your diet will have a significant impact on the levels of cholesterol in your body. Say ‘no’ to all kinds of junk foods. These include greasy burgers, chocolates, pastries, French fries and other products that contain Trans fats and saturated fats. These are the worst form of fats and are primarily responsible for increasing the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Also Read
15 Foods For Lowering Cholesterol
Herbal Remedies For Lowering Cholesterol
Home Remedies To Lower Cholesterol
Lean Portions of Meat
Have lean portions of white meat like chicken, which give you high quality protein and also help to keep your cholesterol levels under strict control.
Fat Free Yoghurt
Try fat free yoghurt or low fat yoghurt, which is very good for the health and keeps cholesterol levels in check. You can add a dash of fruits like berries and strawberries to your yoghurt for best results. Similarly increase your intake of other low fat dairy like skimmed milk and cottage cheese, which can again prove to be beneficial for the health of your heart.
Fruits and Vegetables
Have a variety of fruits and vegetables that give you different nutrients like zinc, manganese, magnesium and folate. Eat fruits that are high in beta-carotene. The more the anti-oxidants in the fruits, the better they are in protecting your heart from the damaging effects of bad cholesterol. Vitamin C rich foods like cranberries, guavas, sweet lime and grapefruit are very effective in reducing LDL cholesterol in the body. Aim for at least 4-5 portions of fruits and vegetables to ensure that your heart stays healthy.
Flaxseeds are said to be one of the best home remedies for reducing the amount of serum cholesterol. Roast a tablespoon of flaxseeds and grind them in a mixer in the form of a powder. Add this powder to your salads or just dissolve it in a glass of warm water and have it. You can also directly sprinkle flaxseeds on your fruits and salads. Make it part of your diet and include flaxseeds in some way. They are very good sources of omega-3 fatty acids which help to reduce dietary cholesterol.
Use garlic and onions liberally in your food and salads as this helps to reduce cholesterol from the body. Of course, you are going to have to exercise portion control with other junk foods. Garlic and onions have been used for centuries for their heart healthy benefits and they are also known for their disease fighting abilities. These are some of the foods that you can introduce in your diet especially if your cholesterol readings have come very high. Just diet remedy will not reduce your blood cholesterol. You will also need to control your intake of junk foods and exercise daily to get rid of excess fat from the body. This will help to keep your cholesterol in check.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.