Top 15 Benefits And Uses Of Babassu Oil


Babassu oil can be used for many purposes like health care, preparing food and improving the condition of skin. The oil is obtained from the nuts of Brazilian palm tree. Cold press technique helps in getting oil from the nuts. Babassu oil looks creamy white in color in a solid state. The oil has same properties as found in the coconut oil. It looks yellowish in color in a liquid state. Some people use the babassu oil as fuel and lubricant also. It is an important ingredient of many beauty products and cosmetics for women. We will tell you about the benefits of this oil following are the top benefits and uses of babassu oil.

Here Are The Top 15 Benefits And Uses Of Babassu Oil:

Treats Acne

Acne is a common and irritating problem for many people especially young girls and teenagers. Babassu oil can treat acne thus giving you relief from pimples and breakouts.

Treats Body Odor

Body odor is a problem that can be treated with babassu oil. Mix the oil with baking soda and arrowroot powder. To this mixture, add little amount of essential oil. Apply the oil mixture on the body like a deodorant for getting rid of bad odor.

Prevents Skin Dryness

Babassu oil is a natural moisturizer that helps in making the skin soft and moisturized. It treats skin dryness making it hydrated. The oil hydrates the skin without making it oily.

Anti-Aging Properties

You can prevent aging of skin by using the babassu oil. The oil has anti-aging properties. It helps in increasing the production of collagen.

Treats Itching And Inflammation

Babassu oil helps in treating rashes, itching and inflammation. The oil has anti-inflammatory properties due to which it treats inflammation in the skin.

Good For Oily Skin

People who have oily skin can improve the condition of their skin by applying the babussa oil. The oil does not block the skin pores so it is an ideal choice for oily skin.

Prevents Free Radical Damage

Babassu oil helps in preventing free radical damage in the body. It contains high amounts of antioxidants that help in protecting us from diseases caused by free radicals.

Healthy Lips

If you are looking for a natural remedy for lips, babassu oil can help in this. It makes the lips very soft when applied along with Shea butter. The oil can treat chapping of lips.

Cools The Skin

Babassu oil is a tonic for the skin due to its cooling properties. Applying the oil during hot weather in summers helps in protecting the skin from heat.

Treats Stretch Marks

The skin elasticity becomes improved by applying the babassu oil. Thus, it can be used for treating the problem of stretch marks. It is useful for pregnant women who have stretch marks.

Treats Skin Diseases

Skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis can be treated with babassu oil. The oil contains lauric acid, which protects our skin from bacterial infections. It can treat burnt skin.

Healthy Nails

The nails become healthy when you apply babassu oil on it. The nail cuticles become soft with this oil. The oil contains Vitamin E, which makes the nails healthy and strong.

Healthy And Soft Hair

Hair becomes soft and smooth when babassu oil is applied on it. The hair becomes healthy when you use this oil. It prevents hair fall. The use of babassu oil makes the hair shiny.

Treats Dandruff

It prevents scalp from becoming dry thus treating dandruff. Mix the oil with shampoo and wash hair with it. You can mix it with conditioner also.

Treats Split Ends

Babassu oil is also very good for treating the problem of split ends. Apply it on hair after washing it with shampoo. The oil prevents split ends from forming and treating the existing ones.

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