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Top 5 Home Remedies For Preeclampsia


A disorder that occurs during pregnancy and is very common in those women who become pregnant for the first time is known as preeclampsia. Women with diabetes, a family history of preeclampsia and women who become pregnant before an age of 20 years and after an age of 35 years are mostly likely to get affected by preeclampsia.

Headache, too much gain of weight, swelling, high blood pressure, blurred vision and pain in the stomach along with vomiting are some of the symptoms of preeclampsia. You can get rid of preeclampsia by following some home remedies. Top 5 home remedies for preeclampsia are as follows:

5 Home Remedies For Preeclampsia


Take some lemon, smash it well and then take out the juice. Add the juice to a cup of water. After that heat it for at least 15 minutes. Then strain it and drink it. You should have it 2-3 times every day.

You can also add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to a cup of hot tea and have at least 2 cups of it every day. This will help you to get rid of preeclampsia within a very short time.


Take some small pieces of ginger roots and cut it well. Then add the pieces to a cup of warm water and let it boil for some time. After that allow it to steep for 10-15 minutes. Then strain it well and drink it. You should drink it at least 3 times every day in order to get rid of preeclampsia easily. You can also crush some ginger roots to fine powder and then have it along with a glass of water every day.


Take some beet and put them in a blender. Blend them well and then take out the juice. Pour the juice in a glass and then drink it after straining it properly.

You should have 2-3 glasses of beet juice every day as it is very effective in treating preeclampsia. You can also include beet in your daily diet by having it as a salad or simply by having a raw beet root in your lunch and dinner.


You should have garlic every day along with your meal. You can also take some garlic cloves and grind them well. Then add 2-3 teaspoons of the garlic powder to a cup of water and then heat it well. After that let it steep for at least 15 minutes and then strain it. Have 2-3 cups of this tea every day until you get rid of preeclampsia.


Take some celery leaves and crush them to fine powder. Then put 1-2 teaspoons of this powder in a cup of water and then let it boil for 10-15 minutes. After that let it steep for some time, strain it and then drink it. You should have this tea made from celery leaves every day at least 3 times.

You can also have 2-3 teaspoons of the powder directly or mix it with some water and then have 2-3 glasses of it every day. So getting rid of preeclampsia is not that difficult and by following the above mentioned home remedies you can easily get good results within a very short time.

View Comments

  • Whoever wrote this has no idea what they are talking about. This information is inaccurate and very dangerous. Preeclampsia is a life threatening condition that cannot be treated as mentioned in this article. If you are having signs/symptoms of preeclampsia it is important that you go to your doctor or the emergency room right away.

  • This is a ridiculous and potentially dangerous article with no scientific or medical proof to back it up.

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