Categories: Vitamins Remedy

Top 5 Vitamins To Stop Hair Loss


Hair loss and baldness have become very common nowadays.  Both men and women are affected by this baldness and thus, this matter is getting more serious day by day. Issues, such as thinning of hair and baldness can rob anyone of their level of confidence and give them fearful nightmares.

It is seen that hair loss is basically caused due to growing age, use of specific drugs, infections, harmful chemicals, etc. In this article we have compiled together a list of some of the essential vitamins that are helpful in preventing hair loss. Let us check them out!

Vitamins To Stop Hair Loss

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is very beneficial for the maintenance and growth of hair and even the skin. It regulates the production of an acid called retinoic acid in the follicle of hair. Vitamin A forms a vital ingredient of many hair care and skin care products owing to a broad spectrum of benefits it provides to the hair as well as the skin.


Hair oils and shampoos that contain vitamin A can be applied to hair shafts and massaged gently. You can also opt for foods that are rich in vitamin A as they will provide you the internal strength to fight hair loss.

Vitamin B

Vitamins B helps in the growth of hair by helping the body in handling stress and depression which are the number one causes that are known bring about hair loss. Inositol is one B vitamin which speeds up the process of hair growth. B 12 also is vital to promote hair growth. In fact, B 12 forms a component of the hair itself. B 12 is largely found in eggs and meat.


Vitamin B 6 is found in foods that are rich in protein and both vitamin B 6 and protein are helpful in preventing hair loss and generating the growth of new and healthy hair. Foods that contain vitamin B 6 include ready to eat cereals, potatoes, bananas, garbanzo beans, oatmeal, chicken breasts, roast beef, etc.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is required by the body to absorb iron and iron is very vital for the growth of hair.


Vitamin C is not prepared by the body, so it is suggested to meet the vitamin C requirement of the body by taking supplements or consuming vitamin C rich foods. This vitamin is abundantly found in oranges, lemons, pineapples, etc.

Vitamin D

According to various researches, Vitamin D is known to stop hair loss. This is possible as vitamin D stimulates the cells and the hair follicle that form the shaft of the hair.


So, it is advised that people who are suffering from baldness or hair loss should consume foods that are rich in vitamin D or either have vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is required to allow ample circulation of blood to the scalp as it is known to increase the oxygen absorption capacity of hair.


You can opt for vitamin E rich foods such as ready to eat cereals, safflower oil, almonds, soybean oil, corn oil, turnip greens, etc.

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