Categories: Yoga Treatments

Top 5 Yoga Exercises For Schizophrenia


Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder involving disorganized thought, auditory and visual hallucinations, and impaired social and professional life. The disease is usually caused by altered brain functioning based on a range of underlying conditions such as heredity, faulty development, drug abuse, environment and a number of other reasons.

According to a 2007 research on the effect o yoga on schizophrenia, as published in the Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica journal, yoga exercises showed a definite positive effect on the quality of life of schizophrenics.  Yoga helped in stabilizing the highly disorganized minds of the schizophrenics and succeeded in planting the concept of reality in them through Pranayama ( yoga breathing exercises), Meditation and Body Awareness exercises.

Yoga Exercises For Schizophrenia

Yogic Breathing

Pranayama comprises individual breathing techniques such as Bhastrika (deep breathing involving prolonged and slow inhalation and exhalation), Kapalbhati (fast and rhythmic breathing involving short and forceful exhalation and compression of the belly muscles), and Anuloma  (slow and relaxed inhalation through one nostril and exhalation through the other).

These serve to remove the toxins from the body while aerating it with fresh air. Moreover, they have a soothing effect on the mind. The Brahmari yogic exercise, which involves chanting the word “OM” with the mouth closed, also tends to work deeply on the disturbed mind of the schizophrenics by generating positive vibrations in their bodies. Each of these exercises can be performed in sets of 500 exercises.

Yogic Meditation

By guided visualization and dhyana (concentration exercises) the schizophrenic attains mental peace. Guided visualization involves making the schizophrenic respond to the instructions of the yoga expert in a desirable way.

It also involves making the schizophrenic attain thought stability and concentration by focusing on the visualized image for a predefined period of time. These mind control mechanisms will help in repairing the damaged cognitive faculties of the schizophrenic.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

This asana is aimed at treating Schizophrenia caused due to hypothyroidism. To perform it, you have to lie on your back, and push up your feet and trunk to an upright position, while resting your body weight on your head, neck shoulders and upper arms. This posture makes you look topsy turvy to a certain extent.

Your gaze should be pointed on your toes. This posture presses your thyroid and helps in normalizing its functioning. This can be performed in a set of 1-2 times every day.

Halasana ( Plough Pose)

This involves lying down on your back and raising your legs and trunk till your legs touch the ground on the side of your head. This can be performed 2-3 times on a daily basis or as advised by your yoga practitioner. Similar to the sarvangasana, the Halasana is also known to benefit schizophrenics by treating hypothyroidism.

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Dandayamana Janu Sirshasana (Standing Head To Knee Pose)

Stand erect with your feet balanced well on the floor and hands by your side( Yoga Mountain pose). Now rise one leg and slowly shift your body weight to the other leg. Raise the leg straight till horizontal, and hold it in place with cupped hands, which is enabled by bending your entire upper body, including your head, towards the raised leg and resting your head on the knee.

Release your body from the posture, stand erect and repeat the exercise with the other leg. You can repeat this exercise 4-5 times. This exercise improves mental concentration and mental focus, which is very important for mental stability development in schizophrenics. Besides, it also helps in stretching the anterior portion of the leg.

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