Categories: Fitness

Top 5 Yoga For Headache Relief


Headache is a common problem with people nowadays. With so much of stress related to work and other matters, we all suffer from headaches at some point of time in our lives. Headaches can happen due to migraine or they could simply be due to over exertion or stress.

Although we can always go for a dose of aspirin or Tylenol but that is not always advisable since allopathic drugs seems to have side effects too. A better approach is to go for simple yet highly effective yoga postures, which will not only cure that nagging headache but will also restrict them from reoccurring. Have a look at 5 such yoga postures.

Various Yoga For Headache Relief


Uttanasana is quite similar to Paschimottanasana, the only difference being that unlike Paschimottanasana, which is done is seated position, and Uttanasana is done in standing pose. To do this asana you need to stand straight with legs touching each other slightly and hands by your side.

Next bend your torso or upper part of the body downward, in front of you, till your head touches your knees and hand touches your feet or floor. Stay in this pose for about 30 seconds to 1 minute and then revert back to original position. For beginners this asana would be little difficult to do but gradually you will be able to attain this pose.


Although this yoga posture is a bit typical to perform, it carries enormous benefits. To do this asana you need to stand straight with your legs spread apart. Next turn your right foot by around 90 degrees and left foot by around 45 degrees to make space for this asana.

Now clasp your hands behind your back and hold both the arms firmly. Next you need to bend towards your right leg completely so that your forehead touches your knee area while keeping your hands behind your back at the same time. Stay in this pose for couple of breaths and come back. Repeat the same steps with the left leg.


This asana is quite beneficial in headache relief and is also useful for pain in shoulders and neck as well. This asana is also called Cow Face pose due to its positioning and posture. To do this asana you need sit on the yoga mat with your left thigh over the right thigh, knee over the knee, touching gently and foot placed gently on the floor on either side.

Next raise your right hand and bend it over your shoulders towards your back and at the same time move your left hand underneath towards your back. With your both palms touching each other at your back, sit in this asana for around 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat the same pose for the other side as well.

Setu Bandhasana

Setu Bandhasana or bridge pose is quite beneficial in headache relief. To do this yoga posture you need to lie down on your back and hands by your side and legs straight.

Next bend your knees with feet firmly on ground and raise your body upwards. Go to the maximum attainable position as per your comfort level and breathe deeply. Stay in this pose for a minute or so and then come back.


To do Shavasana, you need to lie down on your back in relaxing position. Let your body be left loose and calm while at the same time breathe deeply and gently. Clear your mind of any unwanted thoughts and pay attention on your breath.

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