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Top 5 Yoga For Treating Muscle Spasms


Muscle spasms can be quite painful at times. An unwanted muscle spasm can hamper all your regular schedules and severely affect your routine lifestyle and activities. Thankfully help is just a hand away in the form of various yoga postures.

When you do these yoga postures regularly then a lot of stretching and controlled breathing is involved due to which muscle spasms are cured in no time. Here in this article we have covered 5 such yoga postures that are specifically chosen to cure muscle spasms. Have a look and do them regularly to get rid of those nagging muscle spasms.

5 Various Yoga For Treating Muscle Spasms


Matsyasana or Fish pose is quite beneficial for treating all kinds of muscle spasms, especially related to back and neck. To do this pose you need to lie down on your back on the yoga mat with hands and legs straight side by side. Next tuck your hands little bit under your thighs and exert a little pressure to move your chest upwards.

Go on till the point you feel comfortable and hold yourself in this position for 3-6 deep breaths. Make sure that during this yoga posture your head should touch the ground. Come back slowly and gradually to original position.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Although this asana is quite easy to perform while at the same time it has numerous benefits. Apart from healing muscle cramps, this asana is beneficial in various digestive disorders as well. To do this asana you need to sit on the yoga mat with your palms and feet touching the ground.

Keep a distance of around 7 inches between your palms and completely stretch the fingers in star shape. Next lift your body upwards and achieve a position when hands and legs are straight and body attains a posture of inverted V. Stay in this pose for around 2-3 minutes and then revert back.


Balasana or child pose is quite valuable for complete mind body relaxation as well as in the treatment muscle spasms. To do this pose you need to sit in Vajrasana position (Diamond pose) and take few deep breaths. You have to sit with you calves under your thighs, toes touching each other and then bend forward.

Go ahead and touch your forehead on the floor while your hands lying by your side. Stay in this pose for couple of minutes while maintaining focus on your breathing and then gradually come back to original position.

Wall Plank Pose

To do this pose you need to stand in front of a wall at a distance of around your arm length. Now bend forward and place your hands firmly on the wall with your palms around shoulder length away.

Your upper body should be straight and your head should be facing downwards. Effectively when you this yoga posture, you tend to make an L shape. Stay in this pose for as long as you can (around 20-30 breaths) and then regain the original position.


Lie down on your belly and keep your legs straight, slightly touching each other. Next place your palms besides your shoulder and lift upper part of the body till the point so that your upper half body is in air and is supported by your hands.

While looking upwards, stay in this pose for couple of seconds and then come back. Repeat this several times to get the desired benefits.

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