Categories: Yoga Treatments

Top 5 Yoga Poses For Tight Hamstrings


An uncomfortable “pulling sensation” at the back of your thighs may indicate that you have tight hamstrings. Your hamstrings comprise a set of three muscles stretching from your “sit bones” to your knees, behind your thighs. Certain lifestyle actions such as remaining in seated position for a long time without movement, or exercising the quads without stretching the hamstrings may shorten and tighten these muscles, causing a lot of discomfiture and pain in you.

Tight hamstrings, when persistent for a long time, cause tightness in your muscles and pelvis, and consequently lead to complications such as herniated discs, lower back ailments, and abdominal weakness.Certain simple yoga exercises are an excellent remedy for tight hamstrings and they can quickly ameliorate your condition if you perform them regularly and as instructed by your yoga expert. You can always start performing yoga exercises after discussing about their suitability with your physician and your yoga expert.

Yoga Poses for Tight Hamstrings

Paschimottasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Paschimottasana is an intense forward bending exercise that is performed in a seated position.  It stretches the muscles of the hamstring, thus having a lengthening effect on them.  Seat yourself on a level surface with your feet stretched straight in front of you. Stretch out your arms and torso while inhaling deeply.

Once your arms are in the stretched and straight up position, bring them down slowly, while exhaling, and try to touch your feet with them. Bend your entire torso forward till your head touches your knees. Remain in this position for 30 seconds. Rise up inhaling and repeat the exercise to your capacity.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Apart from stretching the hamstrings, Uttanasana has other significant benefits too. It improves blood circulation in the upper part of the body and calms the mind. To perform this asana, you have to first stand straight with your feet slightly apart. Now inhale deeply and slowly, and exhale slowly while bending forwards.

Bend down keeping your knees straight till you are able to hold your ankles with your hands. Relax in this position for about ½ a minute while keeping your breathing normal. Slowly, while exhaling, leave your ankles and rise up with your head bent downwards till you assume an erect position.

Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend)

Prasarita Padottanasana stretches the hamstring muscles completely. To perform this exercise, you have to first stand erect with your hands by your side. Bring your arms up to your chest so that your palms touch each other. Now, jump laterally to allow your legs to stretch apart with a distance of approximately 1 foot between them. Bend down slowly keeping your knees straight, till your palms are rested completely on the floor.

Now, bend your arms at the elbows and turn your head inwards. Remain in this position for ½ a minute or longer and slowly rise and return back to the standing erect position.  Perform a reverse jump to bring your legs together.

Halasana (Plow Pose)

Halasana is a simple exercise that should be performed with caution to prevent spinal and neck injury. It not only stretches your hamstrings completely, but also stretches and relaxes the spinal muscles. To perform this asana, lie down on a level surface.

Now, slowly raise your legs perpendicular to your body and bend them towards yourself, keeping your knees straight. Bend them till they touch the floor behind your head. This exercise puts immense pressure on your neck, and therefore, needs to be performed cautiously and under the supervision of a yoga expert.

Eka Pada RajaKapotasana (Pigeon Pose)

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana is an elegant posture that benefits the hamstrings, and along with it, the chest and the hips. To perform this exercise, first assume the table top pose (stand on your hands and legs).

Bend your right knee so that your left leg is placed at right angle to your body. Now, stretch your right leg out and straight. Remain in this position for ½ a minute and repeat, according to your capacity.

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