Categories: Fitness

Top 6 Chest Exercises For Men


Do you have a sunken chest with flabby upper body muscles that constantly dampens your self esteem? If yes, read on. You do not need a miracle to get out of this situation. Simple chest exercises when done regularly can give you a strong masculine chest that can turn female heads wherever you go.

These exercises also get rid of ugly man breasts. Check out these easy exercise routines for a good looking chest with great pectoral muscles, whether you take your shirt off or not!

Best Chest Exercises For Men

Push Ups

Lie down straight on the floor, face down. Keep your hands below your shoulders. Now slowly bend your elbows and raise your body. Your body weight must be supported by your toes and hands.

Keep your legs, back and hips in a straight line. Stay in this position till the count of 2. Then lower your body slowly till you resume the starting position. Perform 10 such push ups.

Chest Press

Lie on your back on a fitness ball. Raise your hips slightly to keep your back straight. Your knees must be bent at a 90 degree angle. Hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Raise your arms straight above your head and then slowly bring them back to shoulder level. Pause for two seconds. Repeat this exercise 15 more times.

Squeeze Press

Lie down on your back on a bench. Keep your knees bent and back straight. Hold dumbbells in both your hands. Slowly raise the dumbbells above your head and move them inwards so that they touch each other. Now squeeze them together as hard as possible. This motion moves all the pressure on to your chest muscles, making them stronger.

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Top 5 Chest Exercises For Women

Cable Crosses

This exercise builds tension in your chest muscles throughout the move. Stand in the midst of a cable machine with the cable above your shoulder height.

Take hold of a D-handle attachment in each hand. Slowly bring your hands down in an arc movement to meet right before your torso. Pause for 5 seconds, squeezing your chest muscles before coming back to the starting position.

Clap Push Ups

Lie on the floor face down. Using your elbows and hands, raise your upper body off the floor in a very quick move, with force. Keep your back straight.

Now before your upper body comes down and almost touches the floor, clap with both your hands before placing your palms on the floor. Dumbbell Flyes

Dumbbell Flyes

Lie down on your back on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Raise both hands above your chest, palms facing inwards. Keep your back straight and knees bent at 90 degrees.

Now slowly lower the dumbbells by moving your arms out to either side of the bench as far as possible. Thereafter raise the weights back to the top. Lowering and raising dumbbells side wards, gives your chest muscles good exercise.

All these chest exercises for men, when done regularly ensure a well toned, muscular chest.

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