Categories: Diet Remedy

Top 6 Dietery Changes For Glaucoma


Glaucoma and cataract are the most common vision problems of old age. Both result in blurring of vision and eventual blindness, if left untreated. However, while cataract is causes lens opacity, glaucoma damages the optic nerve. It is advisable for you to get your eyes checked periodically for these and other eye problems, biannually, after 60 years of age.

Treatment commonly involves one of a number of types of surgeries, most of which are very modern causing minimum discomfiture to the patients. There is no dietary cure for glaucoma, but you can always prevent it by changing to a dietary regime that supports prevention of glaucoma.

Diet for Glaucoma

Avoid Refined Sugar

Foods containing refined sugar can be avoided in diabetics suspected of glaucoma, as intake of refined sugar increases insulin resistance, which disrupts the metabolic processes of the body.

A bad metabolic process cannot flush out the excretory fluids from the eye, thereby building up the IOP (intra-ocular pressure).  Hence, it is time to put your table sugar away (at least for a while)!

Avoid Simple Sugars

Foods such as white rice, white bread and boiled potato contain simple sugars that spike your blood glucose levels.

The elevated blood glucose initiates insulin resistance, which causes metabolic abnormalities in the body, leading to inefficient flushing of eye fluids resulting in increased IOP(Intra Ocular Pressure).

Consume Omega -3 Fatty Acid-Rich Foods

You can liberally have mercury-free fish as these contain omega-3 fatty acids that contain DHA ( Docosahexaenoic acid) which  boosts the overall retinal health and its metabolic activities. DHA is also found in the retina and it protects the eye from macular degeneration which is one of the prime causes of blindness.

Vegans have to use DHA supplements as there are no plant-based sources of DHA, though plant based sources of omega-3 fatty acids such as walnut, tofu and algae are available. However, breast milk is a source of DHA for the infant.

Have Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and Ziaxanthin are natural protectors of eyesight. Lutein, a carotenoid, is an anti-oxidant protecting the eye from damage by free radicals. If you want to get a generous share of this nutrient, eat plenty of green and leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, collard greens, and broccoli.

However, take care to cook them in some butter or healthy oil, as Lutein is available to the human body only in an oil-soluble form. Zeaxanthin, found in egg yolk, is another vital carotenoid to protect your eyesight. However, cooking the egg will render it useless. You have to consume raw egg mixed with a palatable medium like milk.

Avoid Trans-fats

Commercial cookies, pastries, cakes which are made of unhealthy oils and unhealthy refined flours are high in trans-fats that interfere with the functioning of omega-3 fats and promote macular degeneration, and are therefore best avoided. If you want to eat these items, ensure that you are consuming healthier variations of these dishes.

Consume Dark-colored Berries

Say hip hip hurray to bilberries, cranberries, blueberries and other dark colored berries! The bioflavonoids that they contain strengthen the eye capillaries that carry nutrients to the eyes. Bilberries are also found to reverse macular degeneration.

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