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Breasts are rightly considered to enhance the beauty of a woman, but sometimes oversize breasts may look ugly and often lead to health issues such as neck pain, arthritis, breast cancer and other similar health issues. Increased breast size can be caused by high estrogen level in the body.
It can also be a result of obesity and if one is overweight then it might show up on the breast as well. If you are troubled by an increased breast size, then you can try out these breast reducing exercises and see effective results.
Exercises For Reducing Breast Size
1. Push Ups
This is the most common form of exercise and is very effective in building up shoulder muscles and chest muscles. Now oversize breasts can also be reduced with push ups. Simply lie down on your stomach on the ground. Keep your legs stretched straight and your feet close to each other. Place your palms firmly on the ground with fingers slightly apart from each other in order to provide good support. Now push your chest upwards and remain in that position for about two seconds before coming down again. Repeat the process. Do this at least ten times twice daily for best results.
2. Jogging
Jogging is very effective in reducing fat levels of the body. You can head for jogging every morning and evening in the garden or a park or even by the beach. It aims at making the entire body work out and so is beneficial for reducing the size of oversize breasts. You should jog for at least twenty minutes daily.
3. Swimming
Swimming is a very healthy choice to opt for in case an increased size of breasts is bothering you big time. Swimming is often considered as the most effective form of Cardio exercise.
The back strokes and the front strokes work on the shoulder and chest muscles. This will help in reducing the fat of the breasts and also in giving good and attractive shape to the breasts.
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4. Light Weight Lifting
You can opt for lifting light weight dumbbells (or even heavy weight dumbbells if you are comfortable) in case you want to reduce your bust size. Stand straight or sit on a chair. Lift dumbbells in both hands and lift them up and then put your hands down. Repeat the process many times. Do it at least ten times on a regular basis and see your bust size reduce.
5. Climbing The Stairs
You can climb up and down stairs regularly for fifteen to twenty minutes each day. This is very effective in reducing body fat including excess fat from the breasts. Also, this is a very easy and accessible form of exercise which anyone can do.
6. The Hip Shift
To perform the hip shift you need to raise your hands in the upward direction while standing straight. Interlock your palms. While holding your wrists and palms very tightly, release your index finger. Now while inhaling push your hips towards the right side. Then exhale while you bring your hips back to the starting position. Now, push hips in the left direction. Do it ten times daily.
Once you start with these exercises, soon you will start noticing the changes in your breast size. You need to be a little patient as burning fat can be tedious but definitely not impossible. So try out these breast reducing exercises from today.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.