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Top 6 Foods To Cures Jaundice


Jaundice is a common liver disorder. A patient suffers from jaundice due to an increase of the bile pigment, known as bilirubin, in his or her blood. In such cases, the patient experiences yellowing of skin in the white part of the eye and the mucous membrane.

Although medication is necessary for serious cases of jaundice, it is rather easier to cure the simple forms of jaundice by proper diet management. There are a number of diet remedies with which you can treat jaundice. Such food items can manage the effects of jaundice and improve health and liver conditions of the patients. Here are some of the food items.

Here Are The 6 Foods To Cure Jaundice

1. Wheat Grass

It triggers the liver to secrete more enzymes that help the liver flush out the excess bilirubin from the body. It can prove to be an excellent aid if taken once daily. Babies suffering from jaundice should be given a few drops of wheat grass juice. Breastfeeding mothers can also drink a glass of the juice to help their babies flush out toxins.

2. Banana

Keeping a banana in the regular diet list is necessary for patients suffering from jaundice. It should be taken daily along with a teaspoon of honey. Banana contains high amounts of potassium and electrolytes that help you remove toxins from the body. Honey, being an anti-bacterial agent and also a natural detoxifier performs similar actions.

3. Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of jaundice. A glass of tomato juice taken daily in the morning along with a pinch of pepper and salt can effectively treat adult jaundice. The breastfeeding mothers, who have babies diagnosed with jaundice, should drink a glass of tomato juice early in the morning to help their babies flush out the toxins of jaundice from their body.

4. Ginger And Lemon Tea

Jaundice can be prevented and treated by the intake of ginger or lemon tea daily in the morning. Dandelion tea can also be taken. They are the sources of natural detoxifiers that boost up the body system to flush out the excess toxins from the body.

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Home Remedies For Jaundice
Best Home Remedies For Jaundice
Home Remedies For Jaundice In Newborn
Home Remedies For Newborn Jaundice

5. Radish And Carrot

Radish is very beneficial for the patients suffering from jaundice. Boil the radish leaves in water and drain the water through a cloth to prepare a juice. This juice is very much helpful to treat jaundice. Like radish, carrot juice is also very useful to cure jaundice naturally.

6. Buttermilk

The foods that are rich in iron and calcium must be consumed to fight jaundice.  Butter milk is a rich source of both of these elements. Thus, you can drink this few times in a day. It is an effective and natural way to treat and cure jaundice.

Jaundice may occur in a person. But it is not a matter to worry anymore as consuming the above foods and having a proper diet can prevent and cure jaundice easily. The natural products are always beneficial to fight any disease. For the initial stages as well as simple cases of jaundice, the above mentioned foods are considered to be the best medicines to treat this problem.

View Comments

  • Good foods to cure jaundice. In July of 2015. it was discovered that I got type 2 diabetes, By the end of the July month. I was given a prescription for the Metformin, I stated with the ADA diet and followed it completely for several weeks but was unable to get my blood sugar below 140, Without results to how for my hard work. I really panicked and called my doctor. His response?? Deal with it yourself, I started to feel that something wasn’t right and do my own research, Then I found Rachel’s great blog (google " HOW I FREED MYSELF FROM THE DIABETES " ) .. I read it from cover to cover and I started with the diet and by the next morning. my blood sugar was 100, Since then. I get a fasting reading between the mid 70s and 80s, My doctor was very surprised at the results that. the next week. he took me off the Metformin drug, I lost 30 pounds in my first month and lost more than 6 inches off my waist and I’m able to work out twice a day while still having lots of energy. The truth is that we can get off the drugs and help myself by trying natural methods..

  • 52 year old my mom has joundice and have seen some videos in youtube said that can't eat lemon.It's a poison in joundice . But here in this page has suggested to have lemon tea is confusion ,kindly requested to clear this query

    • Perhaps it depends on the cause of the jaundice ? One cause is gall stones in the liver. Lemon juice helps break down gall stones.

      If the cause of the jaundice is from other things - lemon may not help the condition :-(

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