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Top 7 Home Remedies For ENT Disorder


Pain in the ears, sore throat, headache and clogged nose, are some of the symptoms that you will experience when suffering from an ENT disorders (Ear, Nose and Throat Disorder). ENT disorders are best attended to by an ENT specialist and one should not deny timely medical attention to ENT problems, as these may cause serious damage the organs concerned. There are a wide variety of ENT disorders most of which are different types of infections.

The ear, nose and throat are the gateways of the body to pathogenic germs. Hence, they are susceptible to infections caused by these pathogenic microorganisms. Genetic predisposition and structural disorders in the ENT system may also cause ENT disorders. Treating ENT disorders requires understanding the type of the ENT disorder a person is suffering from. Often, ENT disorders cause bearable symptoms which the sufferer generally tends to ignore.

However, this practice should not followed, as some infections that cause serious infections can produce bearable symptoms and cause high internal damage involving the chest and lungs.  A large number of home remedies such as steaming, warm oil therapy, saline water gargling, and eating foods that keep the throat clear, are commonly used for bringing relief to the person suffering from some common ENT disorders. However, if the symptoms do not subside or aggravate it is mandatory for one to opt for professional medical treatment for the same.

Home Remedies For ENT Disorders


Steaming is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for ENT Disorders. It is one of the ancient therapies for opening up clogged passages in the nose and sinus. Steaming also clears up the ears in the process of clearing the nose and sinus.

Addition of essential oils that are beneficial to the ENT system enhance its medicinal worth. Steaming is one of the safest methods of treating ENT disorders, especially those involving sinus blockages. Steaming should be done once or twice a day and maximum benefit should be derived from it by deeply breathing in the vapors while undergoing steaming.

Warm Garlic Oil

Warm garlic oil is found to be one of the best home remedies for earache and other ENT disorders because of its anti-inflammatory properties. This oil can be prepared by heating some mustard oil with crushed garlic in it. Once, the oil is warmed, it should be dropped into the aching ear, dropwise, with the help of a dropper.

Care should be taken to not pour hot oil into the ear, as this may burn the delicate membranes of the ear. Also, the oil should not be poured in large quantities into the ear, as the liquid will simply overflow resulting in wastage of the medicinal fluid. Warm garlic oil can be poured in the night or 2-3 times a day into an aching ear, to relieve earache.

Saline Water Gargling

Saline water gargling is one of the most recommended home remedies for treating throat disorders.  Saline water gargling removes throat irritants. Gargling with salt water also soothes inflamed tonsils. Saline water is prepared by adding a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. The water should then be warmed before gargling. Gargling should be done in privacy, as it is not considered good social etiquette to gargle in public.

Gargling is performed by holding water in the throat and making gurgling sounds so that the water swirls in the throat and cleanses it. Salt water gargling is seen to be one of the most effective remedies for cleaning upper respiratory tract virus infections. It relieves swollen throat muscles and loosens the mucus.  The gargled water should be spitted out and not swallowed.

Black Pepper

Black pepper is one of the common household items that work effectively against ENT problems. It is widely used in India for treating sore throat. The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of black pepper aid in clearing up throat congestion. It raises the internal body temperature, thereby clearing any clogging caused in the nasal and sinus passage due to nasal congestion. Many black pepper recipes are made in Indian households.

Black pepper and jaggery balls are used as cough drops. Black pepper is most effective when it is added in the powdered form to hot vegetable soup and sipped slowly so that it gets adequate time to work on the infectious microorganisms in the throat before passing down the digestive tract to the stomach.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is made with ginger and warm water. The gingerols, volatile oils found in ginger, are seen to have antipyretic, sedative and antibacterial effect. Ginger has antibiotic and immunity boosting properties. Ginger tea can be flavored with honey and lemon, both of which increase its antibiotic and immunity boosting properties.

Ginger tea should be sipped slowly to allow it to work on the congestion and infection of the throat before passing down to the stomach. Apart from clearing clogged respiratory passages, ginger tea also aids in digestion and works as a medicine for a number of bodily problems.


Kelp is very effective in warding off ENT infections. Kelp has natural antibiotics, which help it fight infections. Hence, it is used for treating allergic sinus congestions, cold and flu. Kelp should be powdered and a tea made from it. This tea should be consumed 2-3 times a day for relieving ENT disorders.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil comes as a boon to persons with ENT disorders.  Eucalyptus globulus, a major ingredient of Eucalyptus, is found to be effective in the case of sinusitis. This oil is replete with antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Hence, it takes care of a number of ENT disorders such as asthma, sore throat, nasal congestion, sinusitis and cough. Eucalyptus oil can be administered in three ways. It can be added to water used for steaming so that it is inhaled along with vapors. It can be applied on the affected area after dilution with another oil such as coconut oil. It can also be applied directly in small quantities on the affected area.

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