Categories: Natural Cures

Top 7 Natural Treatments For Cysts


Cysts are tumor like structure containing waste materials or any bodily fluids or some gaseous materials. They are benign and in most cases do not cause any pain or inflammation. They grow abnormally anywhere in the body and are deeply rooted in the skin. They are of various sizes and various kinds. Some of them grow inside the body organs like kidneys and uterus which are not visible and can be detected through medical examinations.

Others grow outside of the body like face, back, neck and knees. Normally the treatment of cysts depends on their size and location in the body. As in some cases, they cause pain and inflammation, it is best to remove them surgically. But natural medicines can help to minimize and control a cyst. Some home remedies can wonderfully deal with the pain, irritation and swelling caused by a cyst.

Natural Treatments For cysts

Heat with warm water

Take a soft cotton cloth and soak it in warm water. Then squeeze out the water from the cloth and press it over the cyst. Repeat it as many times as you can. The heat coming out from the warm cloth will temporarily give you some relief from the irritation and discomfort around the cyst area. You can accept this process to get a quick relief for the condition of cysts.

Get A Mixture Of Sandalwood Paste And Rose Water

Try mixing a sandalwood paste with some rosewater and apply it to the cyst location for half an hour. It is a very holistic approach and has been in practice since the days of Ayurveda. It will heal the inflammation and irritation caused by a cyst and thereby cures the problem related to cysts.

Turmeric Powder And Mint Juice

Prepare a paste in combination of turmeric powder and mint juice as they can minimize the inflammation by making the skin cooler. They will spread coldness in the cyst area. Also turmeric has the capacity to break a cyst and help the cyst area to become normal. Apply the paste for about ten to twenty minutes and then remove it with normal fresh water. Now you can see the changes happened with the problem of cysts, as the effect of this remedy will completely eliminate the problem related to cysts.

Frankincense Herbal Oil

This herbal oil is very helpful for females as it is a great remedy for uterus cyst. It has the capacity to regulate estrogen level in females. Estrogen imbalance is a major factor in cyst formation. It is one of the most precious oil to prevent cysts fibrosis.


Garlic is a great remedy for many diseases including cysts. It can dissolve a cyst as it contains bioflavonoid also known as vitamin P, a kind of necessary antioxidants in the body. It helps to prevent estrogen loss and regulate the hormone level. Garlic works as a multi-disease curing remedy and the reason behind it is the natural property present in it.

Dandelion Tea

Tea, being prepared with dandelion is a great remedy for cyst. It can cure liver cyst and can help to shrink the size of other types of cysts. It can even prevent the growth of cysts and any tumor. It can cleanse down the body and prevents cysts to form in the ovary. Also it can give relief from ovarian cyst symptoms.


Goldenseal herb is one another effective herb which has tumor dissolving properties. It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle in women. It contains the capacity to suppress a cyst. Goldenseal has antibacterial substance which it prevents the growth of a cyst. In major cases, it can be seen that a cyst is caused by an infection in the skin.

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