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Your crowning glory or hair is an important asset and needs the right care and pampering to look radiant, resplendent and gorgeous. The hair tends to be more neglected as compared to the skin and hence needs more than just cursory attention.
With the right hair care techniques and home remedies you can get rid of dry hair, split ends, hair fall and hair damage. Here are some of the top home remedies for healthy and well-nourished hair.
Home Remedies For Healthy Hair
Oil Massage
Nothing works as brilliantly on the health of your scalp and hair as a good oil and head massage. This can be done with the help of the hair oil of your choice. You can use olive oil, coconut oil or mustard oil all of which are very good for the hair. Stick to one oil that suits your hair type. Heat the oil on the gas such that it is moderately hot.
Massage the oil into your scalp with the tips of your fingers. Now wet a towel in hot water and wrap this towel around your head such that the oil seeps well into your scalp. This will provide intense moisturizing. Now wash your hair with a normal shampoo and conditioner. Nothing works as well as this simple home remedy for healthy hair. Repeat this treatment at least 2-3 times a week.
Drink Plenty of Water
Make sure you drink enough of water throughout the day. This will help to eliminate harmful toxins from the body that could otherwise harm your hair.
Eggs are an excellent home remedy for conditioning and bringing a shine and lustre to the hair. Just use the whites of an egg, as they are a high source of protein. Protein in needed by hair.
The hair is essentially made up of a protein called as keratin, which needs to be nourished and supplemented with protein. Apply the egg whites on your hair and leave it on for half an hour. Now wash off your hair with a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Your hair will shine and glisten.
Urad dal and Fenugreek Seeds
Make a paste of boiled urad dal and fenugreek seeds that have been soaked overnight. Apply and massage this paste onto your scalp. Wait for half an hour before washing off the hair. Your hair will be devoid of dandruff and you will also see lesser hair fall.
Lime Juice
Apply the juice of a lime after you have oiled and massaged your hair. The lime removes dandruff and itchiness of the scalp.
Make it a point to get in some amount of exercise every day. Exercise promotes blood circulation to the scalp, strengthens the root of the hair and reduces hair fall and hair breakage.
Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the best and most effective home remedies for healthy and shining hair is the use of apple cider vinegar. Wash and condition your hair and add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a mug full of water. Now use this water as a last rinse. The vinegar will flatten each hair cuticle and give it a lustrous sheen.
Another good home remedy for conditioning hair is the use of beer. Any leftover beer can be used for this purpose. Wash the hair with beer as a last rinse and watch your hair glisten with radiance.
Banana Hair Mask
Mash a banana and add some honey to it. Now apply this mashed banana to your hair as a hair mask. Leave it on for an hour before washing it off. This is a good remedy for soft, smooth and manageable hair.
At home Trims
Ask your spouse or a relative to give you a short trim. Just snip off half an inch of hair from your ends. It takes minutes and anyone can do it. An at-home trim is a good way of banishing split ends.
Also Read
Vitamin E For Hair Growth
Effective Home Remedies For Hair
Home Remedies For Dry Hair
Strawberries and Mayonnaise
Take 8 strawberries, mash them and add a tablespoon of mayonnaise to them. Now apply this strawberry pulp to your hair. The acidic effect of strawberries will deeply condition and nourish your hair and bring strength and vitality to them.
Olive oil and Egg Yolk
Take the yolk of an egg and add 2-heaped tablespoons of olive oil to it. Now break a capsule of Vitamin E and add the powder to the oil. Mix well and massage this into your scalp.
Your hair will smell awful with the egg. Wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner and you will see it bounce and shine like never before. This is a tried and tested home remedy and works very well on the health of the hair.
Essential Oil and Curd
Make a thick paste of freshly set curd and any essential oil like lavender oil or jojoba oil. Massage this oil well into your scalp and hair. Wash with shampoo and conditioner. Your hair will look very radiant and healthy.
Mashed Avocado
Avocadoes are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and are very good for the health of the hair and skin.
Mash an avocado and lather the paste on your hair and scalp. Wait for some time and wash it off after some time. Your hair will look healthy and have strength and sheen in them.
The diet
You may try all the home remedies in the world but nothing works as well as a good and nourishing diet. Eat a diet that is high on proteins, essential fats, vitamins and minerals as all of these are required for the upkeep and the strength of the hair. Eat plenty of nuts, fruits and vegetables, as they will do your hair a world of good.
Stay away from spicy, greasy and oily food as they bring about untold damage to the hair. Other lifestyle factors like smoking, drinking and consumption of drugs should be strictly avoided if you want hair that is always shining and healthy.
You do not need to use expensive hair products to maintain the beauty of your hair. Just these simple home remedies will do the trick.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.