17 Useful Home Remedies For Dry Cough

Remedies For Dry Cough

Coughing in one of the body’s natural defence mechanisms against ingestion of foreign objects. While it is a good thing, a dry and hacking cough can cause acute distress and discomfort for the sufferer. It alerts the individual concerned that a problem has occurred and warrants medical attention promptly. Dry cough can occur due to a flu or a cold. Some infections manifest themselves in the form of a dry cough.

People who suffer from bronchitis and asthma are extremely vulnerable. The cough can become severe and cause pain and dryness in the throat. With the help of some suitable home remedies, you can easily alleviate a dry cough.

Remedies For Dry Cough

Raw Onion

Extract the juice of a raw onion. To this, add a tablespoon of honey and let it sit for a few hours until the juices blend in together. This solution can then be effectively used as a cough syrup. Onions also provide a lot of relief against built up phlegm when combined with lemon and boiling water.

Onion Juice

Salt Gargles

Do some saline gargles daily. They are very good at alleviating the dryness and soreness that occurs with a cough. Add a half teaspoon of salt to a glass of moderately hot water and gargle with this solution 4-5 times a day. In fact, the more you gargle, the more comfortable you will feel. This is one of the most sought after home remedies for a dry cough.

Salt Gargles


Get hold of some fresh oregano herb and boil it well in water. Let it sit in the water for an hour and strain this water. Now drink this water as often as you can. This is a good remedy for dry cough.


Green Tea

You can also make some green tea with honey. Green tea is a high source of antioxidants that helps to boost and strengthen the body’s immunity against common colds and flu. You can have a cup of green tea every day. It will not only soothe your throat but also give you several other health benefits.

Green Tea

Aniseed Tea

You can brew an aniseed tea at home by blending this spice with your regular tea. This is a great remedy for reducing built up phlegm in the throat.

Aniseed Tea

Herbal Tea

Make a herbal tea at home with some fresh herbs and spices like cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom, ginger, oregano and honey. Brew it for at least half an hour before taking it out from the fire. Strain the tea and sip on this tea throughout the day.

Herbal Tea

Drink Plenty Of Fluids

Dry coughs can leave your throat parched so one good home remedy is to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Have a lot of hot water during the day. This will help to rehydrate your throat. Apart from hot water, you should also be having hot soups, broths and gruels, which are very good for the throat.

Drink Water


Asthmatics tend to suffer from dry coughs because of the dryness in the atmosphere around them. In such cases, make sure that you place a humidifier in your room. This will keep the ambient air moist and prevent allergens from triggering a cough.


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Home Remedies For Cough
Cough Home Remedies For Adults
Home Remedies For Asthma Cough


Raisins can be used to heal a dry cough. Take a few raisins and soak them overnight. Now grind them to form a smooth paste. Add some sugar and heat it until a sauce like consistency has been formed. Take 20 gms of this concoction just before bedtime. It is very good for dealing with a dry cough.


Hot Milk

Hot milk with turmeric is a great remedy for alleviating a dry cough. Just add a pinch of turmeric and sugar to your hot milk and sip on this before you retire for the night.

Hot Milk


Nothing feels as soothing on the throat as a cup of hot ginger tea. Crush, grind or grate some ginger and infuse this with the tea before brewing it. Ginger also imparts a pleasant taste and smell to your tea.

Ginger Tea


Soak some almonds overnight and remove their peel in the morning. Grind the almond in the mixie for a few minutes until a smooth paste is formed. Add some sugar and butter to the paste. This paste should be then taken in the morning and evening. It helps immensely to soothe the throat and give relief.



Grape juice can be used as an expectorant and is used to strengthen the lungs. Just take a small glass of grape juice and add some honey to it.  Within 1-2 days, you will notice a lot of difference in your cough and soreness in the throat.

Grapes Juice

Lime And Honey

Have a cup of hot water with lime and honey as soon as you get up in the morning. This is a great remedy for not only detoxifying the body but also for giving you the much needed relief from a hacking and dry cough.

Lime And Honey


Despite its unsavoury taste, it can be used to resolve chronic dry coughs. Just take a fresh garlic pod, drizzle some honey on top of it and suck on the garlic pod. This will help to give instant relief from the cough. Not only this but garlic also has strong anti-microbial properties that help to subside a persistent infection. You can also flavour your food with garlic and enjoy its innumerable health benefits.


Turmeric Gargles

You can heat a glass of water; drop a pinch of turmeric to this water and gargle with this water at least 5-6 times a day to get relief from a dry cough.

Turmeric Gargles

Avoid Triggers

There are some food triggers that can worsen an existing cough and these should be eliminated from the diet. These foods include ice creams, cold drinks, spicy and fatty foods all of which combine to aggravate an existing cough. Stick to soft foods and a bland diet. Eat more of fruits and veggies to boost your immunity. Take vitamin C tablets especially during flu season when you are likely to come down with a cold.

Avoid Spicy Food

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.