Categories: Vitamins Remedy

Vitamins And Supplements For Cancer Patients


Cancer is a treacherous disease and is not welcomed by any person on this earth because of the horrible consequences that this disease carries. There are various types of vitamins and supplements for cancer patients that can be taken in order to relieve the pain and the trauma that is caused while suffering from cancer.

There are many types of cancer that people can suffer from and it is always important for people to be very clear about the treatment that they should take against cancer and at the same time they should also remain aware of the various foods that they can take in order to maintain good health while suffering from cancer.

It is always very important to take in the necessary diet needed by the body in order to keep the body in good condition so that it can fight cancer and its consequences. The necessary vitamin and supplements that can be taken are as follows:

Best Vitamins And Supplements For Cancer Patients

Beta Carotene

This is a part of vitamin A and is found in green vegetables and oranges. It is found in carrots, spinach, sweet potato and kale. The toxins that cause lung cancer can be eliminated by taking in this vitamin, which is known to be a very good nutrient for the body.

The risks of lung cancer and stomach cancer are also decreased with the intake of this vitamin which is found in green leafy vegetables. People suffering from cancers of the lung and the stomach should make it a habit to take in green vegetables in their daily diet.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is needed in maintaining a healthy immune system and at the same time it also helps the body in fighting against the infection and the pollution that remains in the respiratory tract.


Cervical cancer is one cancer that can be prevented by the intake of vitamin B6, which is mainly found in bananas, apples, meats, carrots and vegetables.

Vitamin C


Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins that can be used in fighting the consequences of cancer. This vitamin is very high in nutrients and has fetched results in the field of disease management and prevention. Patients with breast cancer, cervix and the uterus can get great advantages by the intake of food containing vitamin C.

Folic Acid

Vitamin B9 or folate is the content of folic acid which helps the patients of cervical cancer as it helps the body in forming the genetic material that is needed by the body in fighting off diseases of various kinds.

The genetic materials are mainly RNA and DNA that are considered to be very essential for the body. Cabbage, eggs, green vegetables, fishes, citrus fruits and beets are known to have a high content of folic acid that is very helpful in fighting off cancer.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is advantageous for people suffering from bowel cancer as it works as an antioxidant reducing the damage that is caused by the pollutants and the ozone on the cells.


Wheat germ, vegetable oils, green vegetables and liver are the foods that have good content of vitamin E, which is considered to be the best of all the vitamins and supplements for cancer patients.

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