Categories: Yoga Treatments

Yoga For Bipolar Disorder


Have you observed any person being elated for a while without any sane reason, and totally emotionally down the next moment again for no reason? If yes, then you can suspect that person for suffering from manic depressive or bipolar disorder. Of course, it is hard to determine whether a person exhibiting this behavior is sane or insane, as many of us tend to be moody and sport bright spirits one moment and a soggy mood the next moment.

The difference between an emotionally balanced person having different moods and the behavior of a person suffering from bipolar disorder is that the latter shows changes in mood without any valid reason and this behavior disrupts his/her normal living.  About 0.2 percent of the world population suffers from this mood-swing disorder.

Persons suffering from bipolar disorder are mentally agitated and they need to calm their minds. Yoga offers therapeutic exercises that calm the mind and alleviate mood swings. As there is no aberration in brain tissue, as in the case of schizophrenia, yoga exercises can be used for diverting the thought processes of the bipolar patient in a productive direction. Yoga fights depression by increasing serotonin and gamma aminobutyric levels in the brain.

5 Excellent Yoga Exercises For Bipolar Disorder

Pranayama (Yoga Breathing Exercise)

Pranayama comprises a number of yoga breathing exercises that rejuvenate the pranic centers of the body and the mind. The exercises comprising Bhastrika (Bellows Breath), Kapalbhati (Shining Skull Breathing), Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostrils Breathing), and Bhrahmari (Bee Breathing) improve blood flow to the brain and supply it with fresh oxygen.

Bhrahmari Pranayama generates positive vibrations in the pranic centers of the mind, which work towards combating depression, calming the mind, alleviating anxiety, and stabilizing the mood.

Tratakasana (Steady Gaze Pose)

Tratakasana involves focusing your mind on one stimulus for a predetermined length of time. Apart from increasing the span of attentivity, this yoga pose ensures mental calmness. When the mind practices to concentrate only on a single stimulus, fleeting and wavering thoughts disappear. This reduces anxiety, which arises out of uncontrolled and racing worrisome thoughts in the mind, leading to lessening of depression.

Perform this asana by sitting cross-legged on the floor; placing a lighted candle or any other object in front of the eyes, at eye level, and gazing at it unblinking, for a preset time duration or till tears come out of your eyes. Use the same object for this exercise every day. Increase the duration of gazing progressively.

Utthita Marichyasana (Standing Sage Marichi Pose)

Utthita Marichyasana is a simple yoga standing exercise that stimulates the cerebellum, brings around better emotional control and improves emotional thinking. To perform this exercise, stand erect, lift your right leg and bend it at the knee.

Hold the leg with your left hand and press it against your body. Place your right hand slightly away from your body and look towards your right. Revert to resting pose and repeat this exercise with the other leg.

Padahastasana (Hand To Leg Pose)

Padahastasana is a standing forward bending exercise. It energizes the brain by ensuring liberal blood flow to the brain, To perform this asana, stand erect, bend forward slowly till your forehead touches your knees.

Hold your shanks with your hands. Remain in this pose for 30-60 seconds. Return to resting position.

Bhumi Pada Mastakasana ( Feet And Head On Earth Pose)

Bhumi Pada Mastakasana is a deep forward bending exercise in which your feet and head touch the ground. This exercise is slightly difficult in comparison to the other exercises discussed here, and they should be done under the supervision of a yoga expert, at least in the initial stages.

To perform this exercise, stand on your fours, and lift your pelvis upwards, and bend forwards till your head touches the ground and your legs become straight. Remain in this pose for 30-60 seconds. This pose increases blood flow to your brain, thereby energizing it and relieving it of mental illnesses.

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