Yoga For Lower Back Problems

Lower back pain is a very common problem faced by women and men. Women mostly experience lower back pain during and after child birth and it can be very persistent that can even disrupt your normal life.

Lower Back Problems

While many medications are resorted to for short term and long term treatment, they may not offer complete and permanent relief from the symptoms.

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that has been used for centuries for treating all kinds of bodily ailments. Yoga poses are particularly effective for back related problems and regular yoga practice has helped many people get rid of their symptoms effectively without causing any recurrence. Here are some amazing yoga poses for your lower back.

5 Yoga for Lower Back

Stretching Exercises

Stretching your back on a regular basis will help in keeping the back muscles and spine supple. Regular stretching exercises can help in preventing lower back pain and also in relieving the symptoms that have already set in. For stretching your spine, stand straight, spine upright and with legs close together.

Now you can bend forward at the hips and bring your arms straight down. Though you may not be able to touch your fingers to your toes in the first attempt, with regular practice this should be possible. Do it several times a day for best results.

Stretching Exercises

Plow Pose

Lie straight on your back. Slowly lift your legs from the floor so that your lower back starts lifting up from the floor. Keep on moving your legs forward, towards your upper body.

Aim at touching your feet on the floor behind your head. This is a difficult pose and requires practice to be able to achieve it. Do not over strain your muscles to touch the floor. Achieve a position which is possible for you and slowly keep trying until you reach the target.

Plow Pose

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Top Yoga Exercises For Back Pain


Several kinds of yoga twists are there and here we have discussed the simplest and most basic of twists. Sit or stand comfortably with your spine upright. Now twist towards one side. When you twist, make sure that you turn your head as far back as possible to the side that you twist.

While you do this, you can brace yourself by giving a hand support by putting your hand on the floor or on to a wall or on the chair arm. Repeat in the other direction. This will flex your lower back muscles and spine.


Bridge Pose

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and spine straight. Place your palms on to your hips. Now slowly raise you head to loop up at the ceiling and keep bending backwards as much as possible. This exercise can be done by lying down on your back and keeping your knees bent.

Now lift your hips up until you reach the highest point possible. With your palms, support your lower back and try attaining a better height than what you have already achieved.

Bridge Pose

Boat Pose

This exercise helps in strengthening your abdominal muscles and stabilizing your spine as well. For this exercise, sit on the floor, legs extended towards the front.

Lean backwards a little and slowly lift your legs up. Simultaneously, you can stretch your arms towards the front to balance. Make sure that your back is straight when you do this exercise.

Boat Pose

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.