Categories: Yoga Treatments

Yoga For Osteoarthritis Of The Knee


‘’If his leg fails him, he fights on his knees” is a Chinese proverb that shows how important your knee is to your entire being! Therefore, medical conditions such as osteoarthritis that affect the knees and other joints make life miserable for the sufferer. A person with osteoarthritis of the knees may experience pain, tenderness, locking or a swelling in his/her knees.

It becomes difficult for him/her to carry on with the normal activities such as walking or sitting with a bad knee. Exercising the knee joint improves the condition by enhancing the blood flow to the region, and releasing the knee locking. Particularly yoga, has a highly therapeutic effect on the osteoarthritic knee and it provides relief from the associated discomfiture.

Generally, all yoga poses help in recovery of the normal functioning of the knee, reduce the stiffness in them, help regulate the secretion of uric acid and control obesity. All these functions contribute to improvement in the general health of the knee, thus, alleviating osteoarthritis.

Authentic Yoga Exercises For Osteoarthritic Knees

Sukhasana (Easy Sitting Pose)

Sukhasana simply means assuming a comfortable pose. This seating pose was considered as comfortable for sitting by Indians in the ancient times. It involves simply sitting cross-legged on the floor with your hands on your knees and your spine straight.

This exercise bends and stretches the knees and strengthens the knee muscles in the process. Hence, it is considered as one of the yoga poses to provide relief to osteoarthritic patients.

Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II)

Virabhadrasana II is another yoga exercise that tremendously benefits the knees by bending and stretching the knee muscles. To perform this exercise stand with your legs apart, by at least two feet. Now, stretch out your arms sideways.

Slowly bend your right knee while keeping your left leg stretched. This exercise strengthens the quadriceps, thus, helping in the prevention and control of osteoarthritis. Maintain this pose for 10-30 seconds. Return to standing pose and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

Setu Bandhasana is a simple yoga exercise that strengthens the quadriceps. To perform this asana, lie on your back and bend your knees. Now, lift your tailbone pushing up your torso in the process. Your body should be supported only by your feet, shoulders, neck and head.

Remain in this pose for 30 -60 seconds. Return to resting pose and repeat the exercise. This pose stretches and tones the knees. It increases its flexibility.

Ardha Bhekasana (Half Frog Pose)

The Ardha Bhekasana basically involves bending your knees while lying on your abdomen, one at a time. This yoga pose is not as difficult to assume, as it appears to be. Lie on your abdomen with your legs straight on the floor. Rest on your elbows. Now, bend your right leg at the knee and bring your right foot towards yourself and hold it there for about 30-60 seconds.

Release your right foot. Return to the resting pose and repeat the exercise with your left leg. This exercise deeply stretches the quadriceps, and lengthens and strengthens the knee, thereby proving beneficial in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Supta Virasana (Seated Hero Pose)

Supta Virasana basically involves sitting on the floor on your buttocks with your knees bent towards your sides. This asana can be considered a variation of the Vajrasana (Diamond Pose), which essentially involves sitting on one’s ankles. Start by sitting on your ankles. Your thighs should rest completely on your shanks.

Now, slowly, shift your shanks off your thighs and let your thighs and buttocks rest directly on the floor with your thighs remaining parallel to your shanks. Remain in this pose for 30-60 seconds. This exercise is aimed at strengthening the knees by enhancing blood flow to the knee joint. This exercise also deeply stretches the quadriceps.

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