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Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that afflicts the central nervous system of a person. When a person is suffering from Parkinson’s disease, the nerve cells in his brain that produce dopamine are affected, resulting in rigidity of muscles, tremors and speech and gait problems.
This is because it is the job of dopamine to carry movement commands from the brain to those muscles, which are responsible for movements in the body including chewing food. There is no known cause for Parkinson’s disease and even no perfect cure for it. Yoga can be of much help in this disease by improving your range of motions. Some of the beneficial postures are explained here.
Various Yoga For Parkinson’s Disease
Stand straight. Bring your feet together and arms to your sides. Observe how you are standing. Correct imbalance if you are exerting more pressure on one foot or if you find yourself leaning back or front. Inhale and take your arms up, outstretched, above your head and bring your palms together.
Exhale and bring your joined palms down to your chest. You can repeat this procedure for as long as you are comfortable. This is a very good exercise to rectify posture and maintain good balance.
Stand straight, join your feet and keep your arms to your sides. Exhale slowly and bend forward, hip joint onwards, with your arms outstretched, until your palms touch the floor. Try to avoid bending your knees. Inhale and visualize the tension in your lower back.
Stay for ten breaths and rise slowly. Repeat the posture a few times. Regular practice of this posture will help to stretch your back and hamstring muscles. It will also help calm your body.
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Natural Cure For Parkinson’s Disease
This is also called the warrior pose. Stand with your feet apart. Bring your arms to shoulder height with palms facing the floor. Turn your right foot right and turn your left foot also right, a little less than the right foot. Keeping the left foot firmly planted on the floor; bend your right knee to line it up with your right ankle.
Hold your trunk straight and turn your head right. Hold for as long as you can and then go back to your original position slowly and steadily. Repeat with the other side. This posture enhances the strength of your legs and helps to improve balance.
Jathara Parivartanasana
Lie down on the floor, legs bent and feet flat on the ground. Exhale and turn your joint knees to the right while turning your head to the left. Raise your arms to the shoulder height with palms open.
Breathe slowly and deliberately, stay like this for ten breaths. Switch to the other side and repeat the process. Do this ten times on left and right sides. This posture improves trunk rotation movements and helps you calm down.
Trunk Circles
Stand with your feet apart. Keep your knees bent slightly and your hands on your waist. Bend forward, hip joint onwards and bring your torso parallel to the floor. Move your torso right and upwards, making a half circle like motion. Continue this motion to the left.
Taking your torso down, until you complete the circular motion and your torso is parallel to the floor once more. Do this clockwise and anticlockwise. This posture eases the stiffness of back, hips and sides and rejuvenates your body.
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Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.