Categories: Yoga Treatments

Yoga Poses To Help Beat Insomnia


Insomnia is a disorder, where a person has trouble in staying asleep and falling asleep. In this sleeping disorder both quality and quantity of sleep is affected. Chronic insomnia can last for years. It affects all age groups and is more common in adults.

The symptoms include difficulty in falling asleep, fatigue, anxiety, poor concentration, tension, GI disorder, etc. Both physical and psychological factors cause this sleeping disorder. It is easily treatable when the cause is identified. Yoga is found to be safe and effective in treating this condition.

Yoga Poses To Help Beat Insomnia

Balasana – Child Pose

Sit on your heels. Spread your knees and keep your big toes touching each other. Breathe out while you bend forward letting your torso fall in between your thighs. Stretch your arms and extend them. Lower your forehead onto the floor. Place your arms at your sides with palms facing upwards.

Hold this position for a minute or as long as you can and breathe slowly and deeply. You can take four to eight breathing counts while breathing in and out. Balasana relieves anxiety and fatigue by helping you to relax. Holding this position for at least one minute can relax your mind and muscles. It relieves you from everyday tension.

Viparita Karani – Legs Up The Wall

Sit sideways opposite to the wall and gently raise your legs up the wall. Stretch your arms on your sides with palms facing upwards. Rest your head as well as shoulders on the floor comfortably. Keep your eyes closed and take a deep breath. Focus on breathing. Hold this position for 5 to 10 minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and push your back slightly against the wall to avoid hamstrings. Then slowly move your body slightly away from wall and slip your legs towards your side. It benefits varicose vein, insomnia, thyroid problems, etc. Practicing this daily makes you feel relaxed, less anxious, reduces depression and allows you get good sleep.

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Uttanasana – Forward Bend

Stand straight, keep your hand on hips, and breathe in. When you breathe out, slowly bend from your hip. Balance your body by moving your hips slightly back when you lean forward. Place your hand on the floor beside your foot. Make sure your feet are placed parallel to each other. Extend your torso forward by lifting your tailbone further.

Lift your legs from the floor to sense the firmness of leg muscle and rest them back. Bring the legs close to each other by engaging your inner thighs. Slightly bend your knees, then lift up from kneecap, and gradually straighten your legs. To come back to the original posture, release your tailbone, and gradually come back to standing position. This yoga posture relaxes your nervous system and clams your mind.

Halasana – Plough Posture

Lay down straight, bring your feet above your head, and keep your hands behind the back for support. Once the toes touch the floor with knees straight, you can place your arms straight on the ground with palms facing upside.

Breathe deeply. It reduces laziness and sluggishness. It calms down restless sleep and insomnia. It improves blood circulation, digestion and opens shoulder joints.

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Savasana – Corpse Pose

Lay down straight on the ground with feet apart and hands away from the body (for about 1 foot) with palms facing upwards. Slightly touch your thumb and index finger. Close your eyes, breathe in for three counts, and breathe out for six counts.

As you start relaxing, increase the breathing count. Do this before going to sleep for 10 minutes every day. It relaxes the whole body, and makes it feel light. It is beneficial for insomnia, nervous problems, mental imbalance and memory loss.

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